HAROLD VIGURS THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN At the SNU’s annual conference in 1927 I found myself in agreement with a speaker who urged that the title of the second principle should be amended to brother, sisterhood of mankind, an ideal splendidly expressed in the teaching that we are all brothers and sisters and that there is no high or low, except in spiritual attainment. As children of God we are all equal, and no intelligent man now regards women as men’s inferiors. This concept is wide ranging, radiating from home life through every phase of human relationship, and a surprising factor in assessing its full scope was the number of teachings I had previously overlooked. Even physically we are a distant family, differing in many ways from the species nearest to us in the evolutionary scale. Though we humans may differ in colour, build, social development or ideals, we are basically of the same pattern and we all have ahead of us the same exalted spiritual goal. In the home we have two relationships, the ordinary physical relationship of parents and children and the spiritual relationship of brothers and sisters in God’s family. This leads to the surprising realisation that, as spirit beings, all parents and their children are brothers and sisters. So, with that real relationship existing, we must treat each other in our homes with the same courtesy and consideration we show to others, and a full realisation of this fact should make a great improvement in the way some parents treat their children. And, of course, vice versa. This precept of brotherhood, sisterhood, universal family relationship, could if carried into practical effort in our daily lives, transform the whole basis of earthly existence, as family life in this context embraces not only the immediate family circle or our local community or nation, but all communities and all nations, with all members being equal. Accomplishment of this realisation would put an end to communal strife and warring factions, combat national self-interest-first considerations and territorial gains or acquisitions at the expense of others, and develop a spirit of true INTER-nationalism. The family concept also includes all engaged in industry, business and commerce, where the brother and sister relationship, if recognised by all, could bring about a revolutionary change in industrial relations. Employers would ensure a fair wage being paid for work done in return for a fair return on invested capital, each recognising their mutual inter-dependency. Niggardly employers and work-shy employees would alike be forced or shamed into playing the game, and all-round harmony would prevail. Sad to relate, but religion is also a cause of separation and discussion. Different concepts of God and/or interpretations of creeds and dogmas abound, resulting in the formation of splinter groups, persecution and even heresy hunts. Spiritualism, however, offers a means of escape from all this, as the SNU permits freedom of interpretation of the seven principles as a right, so that there is no interference with other peoples beliefs. We can all follow the New Testament advice to love our enemies and to forgive those who have injured us unto seventy times seven. This brings us to the problem of wondering whether a God of Love and Wisdom can also be a God of Hatred and Folly. The answer to the query is that He is not. Love, dislike and hatred, between individuals or nations, and wisdom, silliness or folly, in decisions or actions, are due merely to different degrees of mental and spiritual development and our sub-conscious reaction to circumstances or conditions. Harmony naturally makes love and disharmony for dislike, while hatred may spring from resentment felt at feeling inferior, either mentally or socially, especially when we cannot hope to equal matters. Again, we are wise when we decide and act according to our knowledge or lack of it; we are silly when doing so on the basis of our likes and dislikes; and we display folly when we allow resentment or envy to dictate words or actions regarding others. It will probably take generations of careful teaching and training to raise Humankind to the stage where we can rise above hatred and envy and wise enough to govern our lives on the basis of our store of knowledge, be it large or small. When we do, we shall know that wisdom and love are Godlike attributes in full expression and that their seeming opposites are really the same attributes in a low stage of spiritual evolution. And then we shall realise that complete and perfect love and wisdom are the infinite attributes of God and their “opposites” have no part in His nature. The principle teaches us that God, being the Universal Parent; we are all members of His Family. This means that all men and women – good, bad, or indifferent; wise or foolish; strong or weak; virtuous or sinful; lovable or hateful; worthy or unworthy – are all members of the same family as brothers and sisters and entitled to each other’s love and service. We must bear one another’s burdens; do as we would be done by; and help those who are weak to become strong and worthy of the relationship in the Family of God.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 07:48:18 +0000

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