HARVEST TIME TO KEEP ON SOWING TO THE BODY OF CHRIST TAKEN YEARS AFTER YEAR TO GROW THIS MUCH!! VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! THE NEW PLACE!! One thing I can tell you something is this, We were once in a slavery trying to be set free, Freedom I will be screaming for, someone use to own us as a slave, We have a master, Who is your master, is it the one who kept you on bondage or is it the one who set you free through the Blood by dying on the Cross..If I can share you a great story, Even from the birth, Lord God was with this child and even tho the king at that time wanted to kill the baby boys..One thing that hit my heart is this, He protects the ones who is his children, Now this is a stroy about Moses and how he wanted to reach the promiseland..You see that Moses as a baby was wrapped by his mother, a river flows as she put her child on the basket and he left with the current of the water..Now Pharohs daughter was the one who spoted this child, and for her servent I believe is the one who raised him up, It was his mother who got her son back getting paided I believe..There is a part which Moses has be blessed cuz of Gods hand over him, For the first 40 years of of his life, He was wealthy cuz of his stepmother having the money, He got the best education and knew the knowledge of this lifestyle, had a great home(High Class), He was also raised by his birth mother I believe who was training him about his culture and traditions but has a step mother too who is different from him, Moses was perserved to be used later on in his life cuz Lord God was watching over him..Moses kills an Egypian man who was treating one of his brothers wrong, but Moses thought that it was a good thing in the eyes of the Lord, Now after being called the Murderer from his own people, Moses fled and had to live undercover for 40 years, From the lifestyle with everything he ever wanted and ever dreamed of, Busy life he faced daily living it up, now he faced something more calm, He was the caretaker for his sheeps, He became the sheperd for a long time, leading these sheep to safe pastures, Feeding his sheeps, protecting the sheeps from the beasts, and guiding them as well..Moses also became a father to two sons and a husband to his wife..When Moses was 80 I believe, Lord God called out to Moses in the burning bush which it got his attention, Now it is the time to make the move, Free my people is what the Lord God wanted, Moses obeyed the Lord and took his people out of the place and You see the chase of the Pharohs men going after Moses and the people, Through the opening of the red sea, many signs and wonders Lord God made for the people to believe in the name of Jesus CHrist..How the bread fell from the sky..Just wonders after wonders shown..Even tho Moses never made in to the Promiseland, He saw the glimspe before he closed his eyes..The thing about this story that I wanted to share is this, We are all called by Lord God, We were once all a slave serving a master, The master you serve should be the one who set you free..If you know what has happen to you in your own life,,If you been saved and if you have faith in him, Even when you were a baby, Lord God watched you from birth, Becuz of this day to come, He was looking over you, watching how you were doing, The thing that we attend to forget is the how much blessings we receive from our Savior, When we look in our lives, how do you be living, it feels great when you compare to those who has less rite and we get caught up in this life of having many things, religion, but i call it relationship with Jesus Christ, Education, Good home, people that you meet socialy but realli they dont make any kind of impact in your life, there is nothing so special about the person who is next to you..You get so much caught up in work and making money you attend to forget Lord God, Now, you are in you little world that God puts something in your path to get your attention, Some people rob a bank, rob a car, Even people murder others which it leads you a total change path in your life, But those who only stays at church all the time, who does not deliver the truth to others, There will be a time when Lord God, when you just sit there and dont do nothing, he will make you move around by making you feel very uncomfortably, One thing leads to another and from a comforable lifestyle, If you made a commitment to Lord God, Something will happen to you to get you up and to do something on his behalf, Now, there is a part in a life where we needs to train, Moses, had to able to lead the sheeps, to protect, to serve, to guide them from the dangers in the dark..He was also a father who can understand our Heavenly Father Lord God, How he had to take care of them by being responsible, that can be meaning by saying Faithful to Lord God, Now, Moses had the education, He knows about the Lord God, He knows about how his people were needed to be set free..Now the training period is time to be alone, To look at life in a different ways..To seek the Lord your God almighty more, And when you began to seek him, He will find you, and when you encounter Lord God, you will see new perseptive and cuz of the change of your heart and mind, Lord GOD WILL redirect your life and use you in a mighty ways, From a servent, You will be a friend, from a friend to be a Leader in Christ..Now, God has a task that he give in all of us, Some people are still in the stage of the comfort zone, so, you did not encounter Lord God, If you did then you will be doing something in his name..Some people are in the stage of the training time with the Lord God, When you are taking care of your lambs and your sheep..But you cannot always stay there cuz Lord God will come to you one day like how he did to Moses through the burning bush..I do not know your testimonies but I hope that you can see what I am trying to share with you my fams..We are all trying to go to Promiseland, First, we needs to encounter Lord God our Savior, You see how people will try to stop you like the Pharoh did not listen, all these plaques had to be thrown and finally you gots to get your brothers and sisters in Christ..They are people out there in this world who needs to be set free, People are always seeking and when you begin to be involved in reaching to the people not in the church but like Out from the comfort zone, I can see how Lord God starts to use his hands and beigns to work in the hearts of others who needs to be reached..You will see things happening in peoples lives is like the wonders and signs that Lord God shows in the Moses story when he takes and leades his people out, when you think about this part, people has fire in their hearts to worship Lord God, People are begingin to open the Holy Scriptures more and wants to learn more about our Father in Heaven, People are sharing their testimony about Christ and you see they are working as one in unity as the body of CHrist..People are more hungry to learn, they are ready to share, they are joyous to encourage one another and they want to be with one another..The hard parts begin is when you hit the dessert part like in the story of Moses, People are complaining, they begin to show less interest for one another, they dont want to show up by attending to help out, they are losing hope, People begin to show very little concern for others, lack of faith in God, People are leaving church or where ever you might be leading the people who is with you..Many different problems will occur cuz the fire has swept away from the hearts, they begin to doubt that God is Real..Many will fall out of their faith cuz they will lose hope and wont trust in the Lord, Many will surrender in their life and walk away from the truth but the ones who are still standing are the ones who God is still watching them and is with them always..Like How Jesus Christ is the Moses in the Story who is teaching us that he leads his people out from the miseries of Life, when you follow him, Even tho it seems like the journey of life seems forever, I believe there is the promiseland on the others side, Before we can reach to the other side to go into the Promiseland, We needs to face off how hard the world that we live in is and to overcome it by trusting in the Lord by having Faith in Christ..In the end,,The people reached to the Promiseland, that shows us that through the dark times, we still have hope, it is in Christ who lives in us, Always remember that he is with us as always..In the name of Jesus CHrist I write and share..Thanks for listening Dj..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! THE GREASTEST GIFT OF ALL!! When you think about what our Heavenly Father Lord Jesus Christ gave each of us, it is to LOVe one another like how Christ has loved the church, through his disciples is how he showed us all examples how we suppose to show one another in CHrist..I have a good story to share with you guys today and I hope that this story can truly encourage you and put a smile in your faces..A man was looking for something in his life, a purpose but could not figure out what he was good at..He was searching and seeking in different places of trying to find a career he liked but whatever he tried to do, He was never good enough and failured trying..The man even tried to go back to school, but even trying to study, he could not keep his eyes open until one day he came up to this teacher, He heard a beautiful music playing in a room he passed and he could not keep on walking so the man peaked into the door to see who was playing the music..The violinist stopped playing the music and paused while he was looking at the man who walked into the room..The man smiled and walked out the room and left the building..The man began to go to school and he would walk pass the room and hear the music playing, Each time he looked into the room, he would look at the violin and it would stop his heart, One day, the violinist saw the man passing the room and ran after him, Knowing that the man was interested in this instrument so he called out to this man, The violinist began to teach this man every night, Even on the weekend the man would come around to learn, From a frown he had once became a smile whenever he began to touch the violin and playing a music that he was learning..As the time went by, from one year of learning became three to four years, FInally, the man got a chance to sit in front of many different people in the crowd..in a nice audietorium with people who was banking, those who were successful in their career came to listen to see this man play his violin..This man rocked the show and from this day on, the man began to play professionally, As his ranks started to be lift higher, his name got out that many people knew who he was..Now, on this very day, the man was having a concert and so many people came out to see this man pla his violin and his teacher sat in the front row seat to see his student play his violin..Many songs were played, People would be cheering on, ladies were whistling and he played his final music which it made the place roar like the thunder, Everyone got up and started to clap as their hearts were touched by this tune, by this music, The man looked at his teacher, and could not see an expression coming out from him, The man got up and ran out the stage and into this room crying like a big baby, One of the announcer came to him and asked him, why are you crying sir, the whole crowd loves you, they love the way you play your violin, The man wiped his tears away and said, It does not matter what the crowd feels about me, It does not matter if they love me but what truly matters the most is to see my teacher clapping for me becuz of this day, i would not be standing here without him teaching me..When you think about our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ, It is like he has given you gifts to be used so that it can glorify him..Like you see a pastor gives out a great sermon, people can be cheering for a great message, people can go up to a pastor and tell him that it touched my heart and soul, but if it is never to be glorified to Lord God for the messages or the sermons to reach us, it is NOTHING cuz We are Nothing..Just like a person who has a talent or the gift to sing songs, You can sing all you want in front of the crowd to let them know this is a gift from God but if your heart is not right with the Lord God, The gift you are giving away is a waste if it is not to give the Glory to God, We are all given something from our LOrd God who is in heaven, We are suppose to use it on his behalf, This story shows you that, you can make the people say WOw, or it is amazing gift he or she has, You can please men and women, they can cheer you on, they can clap their hands, people can be screaming cuz it touches heart but what good is all the gifts that Lord God has given you and you do not use it to give all that GLORY to him..Lord God, is like this teacher, he goes after you because he loves you, You are his child who can have the full potential to be his instrument, Lord God wants to teach you if you ask him too but some of us think we are cocky, or think that we dont need him, but if you are truly interested in learning the truth and you are seeking something to find..Some of us are looking for our talents and gifts cuz we think we dont have any, Believe me! and Trust in the Lord cuz You do have a gift that is given from the Lord, If you know what you like and has the passion for, you will find it to give it all to Lord God..If I can share with you how I know the gift I got is from Lord God, When I was struggling at a point in my life, I felt like this writting was going nowhere cuz it just didnt have Lord Jesus Christ in my writings that I shared before, I remembered that I was getting tired cuz I didnt think that people cared about what I can use to glorifiy my Savior, When a teacher, or a bible study teacher came into my life, My writing was going down the drain cuz I did not know what to share anymore, I did not have anything to write anymore until Lord God Jesus Christ send me someone to start the writing back again by giving me this burning heart with flaming FIre into my heart..When I began to have a bible study with my teacher, The teacher that I saw was Jesus CHrist in him and took me in a ride through this Holy Scriptures, I was learning.. Ever since I felt the love from my Lord God through my teacher, That is when I knew that this new side of the writing is not about me anymore, it is about my Lord God revealing the treasures of heaven to share to others bu reaching out, to give me this new understanding and new perceptive of Life.. The thing that I am trying to say is that Lord God Jesus CHrist looks for those who realli and truly wants to seek after him, Who wants to give others something to reach them by sharing your faith in Christ..If you are hungry, you will do anything to get your soul filled up and it burns in your heart and when your fuel is full, it begins to burn it out when you are giving others cuz I believe that is when the SPirit of Truth lives in You..Only through our Teacher, (Jesus Christ) can do something amazing in your life when you turn to him, Only when you believe in his name that he is so Real, Once you believe, you will see things that you just dont believe..I know cuz I know that he LIVES in us and he can Live in Me as well..I hope that this can encourage you and put a smile in your face..IN the name of Jesus Christ I share and write..thanks for listening DJ..> Ps..Just the Fact the Our Savior is also our Teacher, The greatest gift is that when he teaches you, You are not the same person you use to be, Just by learning from him, You begin to see the things that he sees cuz a student, when he walks with a great teacher, becuz he is following his footsteps, he is becoming more like, Amen and Praise our Lord God..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENOCURAGMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! THE POWER OF A GREAT TESTIMONY!! I wanted to share with my family of Body of Christ, That each one of you have a Great Story that you can share with people around you to make a powerful imprints into every soul who is a non-believer of Jesus Christ..You can make a Impact that can spread like a WILDFIRES from one person hitting to the next, SOme of you guys can touch a life where some of us cant reach to those people and can share about the Love of Jesus Christ..Your testimony is how to love others and when they feel it coming from you, They are going to wonder Why and ask about why you are so different from the circle of people that you meet everyday..People are so excited to see many different kinds of speakers coming from other nations around the world, The places we gather cuz we love to here stories, We love to here about testimonies about how they were found by Lord God and what Jesus Christ do to make this person believe so that he or she is following our Lord and Savior, People would sit for many hours, sing praises to our King and give him worship through our Love and Faith that we put in to say I am a Child of God, SOme would even go further by giving the gifts that Lord God has given us to tell others that we truly believe by exercising our Faith in Him so that we can lead the others who are lost to be found in Christ..Now when the speakers comes up in the front, they will share their side of their story, which how they been lost at a point and how Lord God has found him from the gutters by choosing him or her to Come to Jesus Christ..They will share about how they feel, The messages in the Holy Scriptures that Lord God has breathe into to bring his words Alive and will either share their insight or can be their experiences of their lives and put it together with the Gods words so that the messages comes alive to us..Some of us can truly relate with what the speakers been through in his or her life so now it can truly encourage us because now you know that you are Not alone but also see that this person has overcome the pains or the struggles, his or her Dark eras of circumstances by focusing in Lord God..We all love to hear what other people gots to say, We wants to be encouraged and wants to turn our old bad ways through a new life of living out with Jesus Christ..Speakers who helps us and teaches us cuz of what they been through and now those who are stuck in the situation and can not get out sees a way out through someone who already experienced it..Yes, I do truly think and feel that we need people who are more experienced and went through many difficulties durning their struggles to share so that we have High Hopes but also, what I want to say to my family is your own realtionship and your walk with Lord God, Some people that I know, all he or she does is listen to other peoples testimonies, or pastors sermon and messages but still they are not Happy, The problem is the Root of your heart is still missing, People sitting in a chair and just listening to a Great speaker bring out the word of Lord God, What you have to see is that He is Glorifing Lord God cuz he is using his skills and talents to reach out by impacting other lives to Come to Christ, He is giving his time, energy and effort, but in the end, Lord God looks at a mans and womans heart of why they are doing this and of course if they are a real Authenic Christians, it is giving the Lord God the GLory and thats why God is still using him to reach others cuz that Pleases him..Anyone has the Power with Lord God is with you, If the Spirit of Truth remains in you and you are being Obedient to Him, Lord God will keep on pursuing you to keep on going, to keep on spreading the word of God, to keep on loving by doing what is RIght in the eyes of the Lord.. He or she can be sharing a story of how we suppose to walk with Jesus Christ cuz what that person dealth with and has experience the Power of God..Every bold speakers or anyone who is assigned to share their testimony to others, Some people will reject it and become haters, some people will be lifted up and be fired up for Lord God, SOme will be inspired and be admired cuz of the Heart of Loving the Lord God Almighty..It is those who share their testiment with others so that you can be encouraged and not to feel like you are Alone in this world but a brother or sister in Christ who is there to help you to get back up through words of Love..Now, If I can write to my brothers and sisters who are in the other side of the corner, The ones who are not speaking the truth and just receiving all the time..I wanted to encourage you that also, When you live for Jesus Christ, You dont needs to be afraid to speak up to those people that I or other fellow brothers and sisters cannot reach..Your testimony of having and knowing Jesus Christ is Special cuz look at the world that we live, Look how crupt the world gotten and You are the shining Stars in the night..Those who are only listening, It is better to GIVE a story about how much you love your father Lord God Jesus Chrits then to receive from other brothers or sisters..We all look up to those speakers up in the front stage, We all wonder why cant I be on the spot and share the Great News of Christ and what he has done in my Life..What does it means to know the Cross, Why do you believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the pains, tears and the suffering to DIE for you..Maybe this will truly question your mind about your Faith in Christ cuz it is only between you and the Father, What you do for him is not none of other peoples business, the services you do for him, Praise and worship, Fellowship with yor family of body of Christ..It is all between you are your Father Lord God Jesus Christ..And if Christ has died for you and he gives you everything that you need, It is the Holy Scriptures must be turned by its page cuz he has breathed into the Book to give you LIfe in Him..Everyone is a speaker, You all are called to share and speak up to the Truth, You know one scare thing is, we do have false teachers who does not want you to speak up, They want you to stay low and not open your mouths cuz the spotlight that you can take for Christ, There are people like that everywhere but what I feel is that NO!! You do needs to get up cuz you are so SPecial, You are Very Unique and DIfferent from the Lost world..And if you are carrying the Holy Scriptures, Just dont carry it to look like you are Holy Person, SHow the world how Christ is working in You cuz the Word of God is powerful and it gives you a testimony so that you can share to others how you got saved and how you are living it up for him..Many people loves to hear messages what a pastor or a Missinary or even leaders speak..The way them pastors, missionaries and even leaders teach us, But Even YOU my brothers and sisters in Christ,,You can also be the one who can speak in the stage by giving your testimony, When you begin to move to works and deeds for others by serving them..Your knowledge, spiritual wisdom begins to change and increase but WIthout the Word of Lord God leading you to the truth, it is hard to teach and reach others but when you begin to look for God and he finds you, He will work with you and turn your life into a Butterfly, FLying High and Freedom of going anywhere to share his words.. What I can challegne you is that I did not have a story as good as what Jesus Christ gave me..I would not be able to share if I never found Christ in my life..Even tho I hear speakers talk about their Faith and what they been through, and how it encourages me through what God has done, I am able to speak like them cuz it is Christ the lives in You..I just wanted to encourage my family that dont admire the speakers only, Let us be Inspired by your testimony and encourage us..Let us say this is what Christ Like brother and sister is all abouts..It is your choice to make that happen, it is your stepping up your faith, It is Hope that you see in Christ and it is the Word of God, When a man or a woman goes after Lord Gods heart, He will change your life into a Butterfly, From a Caterpilla, all ugly and nasty, Cacoon to something so amazing and Beautiful that flys High, There will be a Power in your testimony when you share with others to Touch hearts, Impact lives, and Change the minds to Christ..I hope that this can truly encourage you guys all, In the name of Jesus Christ I share and write..Thanks for Listening Dj..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! GREAT STORY: MEN OF HONOR!! I wanted to share with the Body of Christ what a story means when you see someone who has the heart to do something wonderful that can capture your heart and touch your soul when it means how much to have the determination and be motivated, This story is not about being a follower of Christ but what it teaches me is that you can apply your life by putting Lord God first through what a story can do by putting it in your heart, This is a true story so I hope that it can truly encourage you and bring you the smile that even you can have the heart to do the same in your life..It is about an African American and durning those days, they had a less privilage to do anything, This man grew up very poor with his family and when he grew up, He joined the Navy, His father told the son, You should never come back here, Just do what you gots to do to succeed..In the Navy, I think at that time, the blacks had very few options to be someone but this person, he had the heart, the motivation and he was determined that even tho the road gets harder as he goes, He would not stop till the end, Kind of like Apostle Paul in the Gospels, If you truly look at the people who becomes successful, it is not the people who says I am comfortable and do not do anything but who breaks through the walls of hardship and struggles, even tho he wants to give up, just the mentally and the motivation of telling himnself, I have nowhere else to go but foward, You will overcome the obstacles of hardship.. The man, he was the fastest swimmer and I believe a person was drowning from the ocean, and how the man saved the persons like..The man had a plan, had a purpose, a goal oriented mind and he kepted on pushing and pushing..He wanted to be a Master Chief for a diver but when you see the american folks then, In the begining they would not let him in.. Someway and somehow, he did get into the training place where he could train to become the diver as for Master chief.. People at that time was discrimnating, putting African Americans lower by not giving them the fair trial to succeed.. They would not give him the treatment that he needs and look at them like Doggs.. The man does meet a woman in there and I believe that she falls from him, The beauty of the story is that she helps him to study cuz even there are tests for book works..And he ends up passing too.. There is a point in the story that makes you very angry, cuz some of the guys would not play fair, A part that shows is that the guys needed to dive in and go under the water and had to put some pieces together in the water and bring it out as the biggest tests..There is a higher authority who did not like this African American and wanted to fail his test, so when the test came through, the guys went down the water who was taking the test and the people in the land would give them something to work on, for the African American man, they thrw other tools in there to confuse him with the things that was in with him, SOme american folks began to come out with the pieces together, and one by one you see the people passing the test but the Afriacan American was still in the water, 9hours goes by and it was getting late and cold, About the tenth hour, he did come out with the pieces together and people began to applaud to him for making it..He was the only African American going in as the Master Chief, There is a part that he gets injuried coming the end of the story and sits on the hospital bed, Someting happens to his leg and he could not walk proper and people are telling him to quit, There was a trial that he told the other commander officers that he can, and in front of the military judge, He put on the heavy suit for divers, it looks like metal Armor and he had to walk ten big steps, The African American man, His wife who was the teacher to help him pass the test sat there and even this man had a child as well, They were watching him walking ten steps even tho he was crippled, The people looked at him with amazement and for couple more years, He did dive as the Master Chief being the First African AMerican to have the Honor..The reason why I am sharing this story is that You can be very different and You are because Christ Like, If you are saying I am a follower of Jesus Christ, There gots to be something different in your life, If you keep on putting him first and keep on following his footsteps, Even your life can become a testimony like this mans story, It is so beautiful cuz This man had to face how it feels to be called a Dog, or a lower person, people looked down on him but when you just have the Heart, When you know that You can do something and anything can come true when you Believe, Even tho there was no God in the Story, You all have someone that Loves you higher that looks on YOu, We have our Lord God Jesus Christ who stands with us, How can you relate with this story, Being a Christian, people dont look at us as normal, some people may look down on you and tell us all that you guys have no good life cuz it is Boring, But look at this way, Cuz we do have a higher being that we follow and obey cuz our love for him, Even if we die today, some of us knows there is a much better place to go..When you look at this mans life, How can your life be so inspirational, The thing is, Becuz his life was not comfortable, He had to overcome many difficult obstacles to Achieve what he wants to be..People were racist, they did not treat him like a person, people were trying to fail him, Whereever you stand, it can be at school, it can be at work, You will see people who goes against you, If people are not, then maybe cuz you are just too comfortable and you do not show what Christian means by walking out your believe in him..The thing I wanted to share is that we are like this African American Man, it a place where it is not going to be easy at all to live, He feels alone at the place in the Navy, some of us are at work where there is no Christians, Now, this story is for you guys I can encourage cuz even this man stand alone, but he was Honest, Sincere, and real at what he was committed in, He did not Quit, He did not give up but kept on going..How can you make the impact to others, By being the Light is that You have Christ, Your testimony is a story and it can inspire people if you are after Gods heart, Whatever you are doing at work or at school, and when you are keep on giving eveyday your best by putting God first, Maybe it canbe a smile that brings the light out, It can be serving people coffee in the morning that makes you look so different, being gentle and polite to others and respecting and encouraging them can bring you out..That is how you open your doors, The thing is that I do not know your story and I can not make your story come alive, Only I can make my own story come alive..but I can give you guys the encouragements that you turly need..When I look at this overall story, It is the heart to want something, It is how much time you give and put, You have to be motivated and determined to make something happen but I do see alot that would not make the move and are too comfortable and that is why I am sharing this story to move them feets..This story truly encourages me cuz I know I have the heart to keep on moving on to the next level of Faith in Christ and I dont ever back down..If you guys has the same heart..I hope that this can encourage you..In the Christ I share and write..Thanks for listening Dj..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! MY LOVE LETTER: WROTE IN INDIANA!! im writing this letter out to those who r single and feels the way just as i am..Dont ever feel discouraged or dont look down..always keep your head up and smile cuz oneday..something good will come around..I will tell you one thing straight..if your eyes keep on lookin for someone..it will not happen but if you stay calm..stay focused on where you r going..something out of the blue will happen and suprise you..The thang ish..i been single for more than 10 yrs now..even tho there were times i was lookin and tryin to grab someone cuz of feelin lonely..it failed on me..even i had a chance to go out with some fine sisters around but it always end up me losing and i felt lost..of course when special days comes around..your head begins to program on a day where you suppose to feel happy or sad..Welps..yesterday i member i was going out to a grocery place..walmart or kroger i will go..there is a section or an aile where you see florals..another section where someone is sellin a balloons..cards..chocolates with a heart shape..i see guys standin in a line with these things on their hands..I member i was standin on the floral section and saw a red rose lookin at me..of course i swallowed hard but i didnt want to buy something that i couldnt give away to a special person..i did start to feel lil hurt cuz i knew in my heart for 2 yrs i am going to be single..i guess my heart goes out not in indiana but i know i will go back to texas..i went out of the place not lookin back cuz it would only hurt me to look at something that i am not going to get..As i went to a park..i saw couples everywhere..people were kissin and holdin hands walkin..and i felt like my hands began to feel a lil cold..its very cold already here and i could feel it twice..I member yesterday my aunt and my uncle went out to dinner with me and i see couples again having dinner together..sometimes when you try to run away..you just cant cuz it was a special day for the couples..Sometimes i look at myself in the mirror and ask myself a question..Am i an ugly person..is that the reason why i cant have a woman in my life..but there is a story that makes me why sometmes being single can be good in times..I know a very close friend who is in a relationship rite now..the funny thang is his ex girlfriend had a best friend who is now his girlfriend..you feel me rite...the ex best friend was engaged with some other guy but my friend took her away and dumped his ex for her..you know in a relationship..when you hurt someone realli bad..Do you think that you can stay happy..there is always a consquences for your action and believe me..when it strikes back..you get hurt twice the amount then a person who is just hurt..I member last night i was talkin to him..i asked him about his valentines day with his girl..Well..the girl moved in with him now and they live together..i guess he got everything he wants but he told me that he got her nothing..Now i see that he is stuck in a relationship and feels like he isnt happy at all..Just through a realli close friends story..you can learn alot in the lesson of what happened..Thas why in a way i am happy that i am single rite now cuz i am free..I am not ready until i get my situation rite..only certain days r when you feel kinda sad but most part i am doing just good..I know that some sisters are very popular with the guys..even as just friends..the sisters get a rose or a flower..they get chocolate and even cards..i just want to tell the brothers something..those of you who r in a relationship..treat your woman good cuz once their heart leaves you..it is kinda hard to get it back..be more romantic cuz thas the ticket to bring the mood and the joy in..needs to tell each other and needs the communicate in a problems or just daily instead of avoidin cuz you want your relationship to last..you want it to win..and it becomes healthy when you sacrifice for everything for her..Needs to be strong and be more responsible..thas all i can tell the brothers..for the singles..i just want you to know that you needs to pray more for that person..dont be scared to ask god for anything cuz in time..he will provide by lookin into your hearts..i look at it this way..i needs to be good with god cuz who he sends down is my angel..he is the father of the bride and to give a good impression..i have to make him proud of sayin....i always pray for whoever she is underneathe the stars in the night..i dont know when she will come but i believe in the distance..she can be prayin for me..but when the time is rite..wouldnt she be so lucky..or wouldnt i be lucky to have her in the end..Just the way i am..how i want to bring god up in the front and using my testimonies to share and reach out every hearts out there..when i be sufferin here alot but when i make it out here with something in my hand..a courage i will always have..confidence that makes my heart so strong..Even being single can be good cuz noone bugs you..but only loneliness makes you feel sad in times..Just had to share to those who r single..dont give up..oneday the special person will come and someone will be the lucky star..thankz for listenin DJ...> Ps..> You never realli lose anybody you have loved. No matter what may separate you-time, distance, the relatiohships that preceded or may follow this one, even death- the love you shared and the soul you encouhtered through that love is your forever in your heart. Every person you have loved has changed you. What you have become because of loving them is how they will be with you always. A relationship may come to an end. But love is eternal. You will never lose anyone whom you have truly loved.. VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! HIS PRINCESS!! This special letter is going out for the sisters in Christ who needs an encouragement, I am writing as Looking through Lord God Jesus Christs eyes and being creative as I share this one out, Those who never received a Love letter before, I hope that this letter can truly encourage you and make you smile, The only thing I can give as a brother in Christ by saying thankyou to all those who has been reading and has been there for me... Now I want to dedicate this special Love Letter to the Sisters in Christ who are my family as body of CHrist..Dear My Beautiful Child of Mine, My favorite Princess, please truly shine Brighter than the stars in the sky, Be the Salt of the earth which never loses its flavor and also be the Light of the World from the Darkiness that covers the earth and Let it Shine till the end of your times..I have been on earth like 2000 years ago and had to pay my price in full just to get you out of a slavery once you were in, Even tho it was also for my sons who were my disciples who walked with me of three years of my ministry showing them the Love for the world and teaching them how they needs to be with one another to let the lost ones know that if you walk the truth as my disciples, as my sons and daughters, you are called to be My sons and daughters of the LIGHT, As I had to carry the Cross to the Calvry and the third day I have rose again by setting You all my childrens to be set free..Now, The greatest gift I can give you is the Spirit of Truth, My Spirit to remain in You and You in I..My Princess, If you know the truth, I am watching you from a far distance and in Heaven, I have a Huge home, a castle where only Royalty can stay with me, I have the Angels as my maidserverts who are till this day making you a room in this mansion of mine so we can live together in Heaven which you call it your Home, It is decorated with many beautiful colorful paints on the walls, very bright that it will make you Smile, giving you the Joy and happiness forever..When you were born my Princess, and how you took your first breathe into Life, Even tho your parents were filled with Joy of tears and laughter, In Heaven, My angels and I had a great celebration of your birth, and I told one of my messengers to go to earth to protect you and to send me the messages and the reports of what you were doing..Also, I watched you growing up as a kid, How you would cry all the time when you needed to be fed as a baby when you were hungry and you were so beautiful that it made me cry watching you cry, You could not even talk, you could not even walk but as the time began to turn its pages and the pages became a chapter to a book of your life, I was in all of your memories of your past and saw you grew up, I do remember when you began to take the first step and you fell on the ground crying, I wanted to hold you very close into my arms but I let your earthly parents handle that cuz I knew that it was not my time to hold you yet, When your birthdays came around and you had the cake, to make the wish while you blew on it, I was watching your heart as you closed your eyes to make that wish, I am sorry that all the wishes you made when you were a younger child, that it could not all come true but one thing that I can tell you is that every birthdays of yours, Me and my Angels would gather in this table with a cake, We will be singing songs of your birthday, We would be thinking of you and also I prayed for you to grow up very strong..I saw you start going on your own ways, hitting your school years as you began to meet the peoples of your life, Every level of the step you took, I was there watching you but My angels were the ones who had to fight their wyas to protect you, It even cost some of their lives cuz that is the Love they have for me..My Princess, AS you began to graduate from elementary school years, Midddle school years and upon high school, I see that you even decided to go further with your education to increase your knowledge and wisdom, I wish that what you are given by me, you can use it to Glorify my name Jesus Christ, What you have is not suppose to be a waste but to be useful as a instrument to teach and to reach and to encourage others..That is why sometimes when you do not listen and do not obey the commands I give you, You go through struggles and hardships of your life cuz you have drifted away from me, I Never abandoned you my Child, I never had any kind of bad feelings for you but been chasing you to Come back, Return to me My Love I would be scraming to get your attentions, When you see the storms of Life entering in, You go through some heartaches and broken hearts which it brings you the pains and sufferings, I am always in tears when I see you hurt, Becuz I cannot do anything at that moment but for you to learn it the hardway so that you may mature in your Faith..When you began to come to a church home, I was always there, standing in your presences cuz it is also My earthly Home, where my children comes as One, to be in unity cuz that is what I truly desire, to help each other to grow in Spirit and Truth and to learn by redirecting into your life, to find someone who has a stronger faith to be your mentor and to even use the gifts and talents to spread love one another and it gives me the pleasure to watch my children come as One and work as a family..My Princess, You are not alone cuz everyone has a sruggle and are in a mess, That is why you needs each other to be encouraged by loving one another..I wish that I can show you myself as a Body but It is the Spirit so You can receive My Spirit by asking in my name and that is my greatest GIft I can give you..Just come to Me and Seek Me, If you ever wants to talk to me, Your prayer is always heard and I am listening to your words and feeling your precious heartbeat aganist Mine..Life is very Short My child, My Precious Princess..But remember One thing that I am always behind you, I am always loving you, I am always praying for you and Even My SPirit lives in You as Well, That is how close I want to feel your heart beating for me My CHild..In Heaven, I cannot wait to see your face, and touch your cheeks, WIpe those tears away and restore a Joy into your heart so that You can SMile, I will carry you on my back, If you never gotten a piggy back from your earthly parents, I will be the One to carry you to the ends of the Heaven to Earth and I would hold you very close, Hug you like you are my teddy Bear and squeeze you enough to feel my Love and How much I do Love you..I know that the world that you live in is tough, It is filled with sufferings and tears, Sinful people who just do not want to repent cuz of their arrogrance, but Also, I do have a great plans for you and that is the reason why I put you here on earth, To spread the word to the lost souls who do not know me and also if you are missing me, I have put a breathe into a Book, My words should give you the comfort and encouragements cuz it is My LOve Letter that I wrote for you, My Love letters that teaches you how to walk the Truth, The compass of Life to get to me when you get lost or tired of walking to the Truth but know that My Angels are protecting and guiding you as well..And even My SPirit will remind you back to Me cuz I do not want to Lose you, MY Love letters came from my heart and whould be written in your heart so that You should always know where I am at and I am always standing Near you..I do want to appreciate the fact of Noticing me as your Father, And I do Want to tell you how thankful I am that You have found me, And That I would do anything to get you into my arms..I LOVE YOU My Princess and For Life, I will be watching over You in heaven..I hope that this love Letter can encourage the sisters In Christ I have writen to be creative and to encourage you all,,In the name of Jesus Christ I write and Share..Thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY Father God, I do praise you for the things that you do in our lives..Many lives can be touched because we are willing to sacrifice our hearts to you and that you call us your children..I do always lift your name and glorify it because you deserve it the most..Even when my times are hard and that I do struggle..you do always come in my life and rite when i wants to give up, you do make things work again in my life and i do want to thank you for keep helping me to smile cuz I believe that not only I but all your children over all the world needs a touch in our hearts that puts a spark into our lives again..I been tryin my best Father God and still till this day I didnt change but only tryin to change to love you more as I keep on living in your name..Many of the brothers and sisters has been encouraged not because I write because you are the living soul that comes into my heart and brings me this inspiration to share my Faith what i feel about you..When I look at your children, they are the chosen one that will shine the lights for you and I believe that they will begin to fly with you and soar through the sky feeling free ucz you gave them freedoms to fight for you..I can see that world is changing and the wind is blowin in our ways..I can feel the dark clouds forming up in the sky and it is gettin darker as the day keeps on going by, the clouds are filled with heavieness and i see lightenings and thunders roarin over our heads and it is going to rain but i believe that our family of body of Chrsit are very srong cuz you choose the weaks to do your will and the more we try to accomplish your will..the stronger our heart fills with your love that we can even cross over the mountains..I know that you are always with the your family and you do surround them with love, joy, and happiness to overcome the obstacles that we must face each day to fight for you..I know that some are strugglin rite now, they feel trapped like how i felt before but you may be the sun shine in their lives cuz after the rain, you know the sun will come out on the other side so always be with them and love them like the way they truly loves you..I am just sendin this out my love that i feel for my family in Christ so that they may be encouraged not cuz it is me but as a brother in Christ who is willingly to be there for the ones who are hurting..who are wounded in the deepiness of their hearts..who is at war fightin good vs. evil but this is my hand that i can give out to my fams..Father God, you understand their pains more than I do..you know what point they are in at this point in their lives, you can see their hearts and can hear their cries and even can read their minds..Father God, just heal those who are wounded cuz some never opens up for anyone else to know but you know their truth of what they feel inside..Only thing is that I can pray as a brother that they need the smiles so that they can keep on fightin for you and when we have the joy, we can move upwards even tho some may move downwards and since you know them the best..thas how you bring us all back to your loving arms..I do love you my Father God and I do always thnak you for making the weaks to have a stronger hearts to even press on for you..In the Name That I pray AMEn..thankx for listening DJ..> SPECIAL ENCOURAGING POEM WROTE THREE YEARS AGO!! What is my purpose IN my Life for My Plans To fit In with the Lord Gods Plans I been Looking for a long time And still I feel like I cannot find it But there is one that I am still working On What Truly makes me Happy while WOrking To give Lord God All the Glory!! Lord God, Its been Too long and its a struggle It has been almost 4 years long chasing After the dream that I wants to accomplish In my Life.. The hardest thing that I find is that even Tho my body breaks, Even tho i give all my time SPending on it practicing day and Night I must Go on and keep on pursueing this Dream Of mine to give you the GLory in the end I feel hurt cuz I cant meet people I cant spend my days with my friends Cuz of this issue, My great Struggle I deal with Is when I will overcome and meet the Goals you planned I have been working more than 15 jobs and got fired People would lay me off cuz I was never good enough But the one thing that you have opened up for me Is this Job right here and has been the longest I ever worked for Even tho there are times I wants to Quit, I just cant stop now It is not that easy to Write when my heart is on my dream It is not easy to go to my teacher when I have not completed this thing That is why I know that the Job you gave me, It came from You cuz I am still burning to reach to the End Lord God, You know my heart You know all things in my life and knowa ahead of Me You know that I try to do many things all at once ANd it is tough with only One body to handle this But I believe that through all these things You will receive all the Glory in the End I even had to leave Dallas cuz going after this dream One year I stayed away from my CHurch Home One Year I stayed away from my Blood Family I even had to study Seven Day Adventist for One year as well I thought that You were punshing me cuz I had to leave Home But the greatest thing that I felt is that I learned Through the lonely times of my life Life is not that easy anyways and you needs to grow up Be more indenpent and Have heart to Go on I had to fight my way through my heartaches and teardrops Missing those who once loved me and those who are still here I had to really work for my own cuz no one is there But when I thinnk of it now There was someone who was there all along with me It is You Lord God who never let me Go I had to deliver in the Streets for the Past two years It is so crazy what kind of drivers that you meet those days COps are always pulling me over to give me them speeeding tickets I even had to drive in the Snow when I was in Indiana I had to drive in the pouring rain and even when it drizzled I had to drive in the traffic times when the roads were busy I had to drive in the Texas heat with no A/C on About 5 hours a day I kept on pushing, I even complained too Cuz Life was very tough for me back then Just the fact that this was still in the four years of time That I am training to be a Dental Techinician Working more than 10 hours a day was no joke And even practicing in the night so that I can go in FIghting cuz of competition I was In But I am still In and have not given up Lord God Now I had to put up with mean people doing sales When people are discriminating against you Just becuz of being the color Yellow Some people would reject me slamming the office doors DOctors are not that easy to talk to when you talk ebonics Looking at me like something is wrong with me But I kept on pushing office door to doors trying To keep my head up and Smile SO that I can help the company to stay in the buisness And to keep it strong to go on FInally, After many rejections from the doctors office Three different calls came in from different doctors Make three sales which I knew that I could not do it I knew that it was Lord God who helped me to get these sales done ANd in the end I was giving him all the GLory One point, I had someone who was going after me The person wanted me to quit and we were at war This person tried many things so that I canbe fired ANd used many method to get the boss off my side This person try to get close to the boss Tells him many things about me by putting me down Accusations be throwing at me And I fell on the ground Each time this person would look at me I see the teeth showing and I can feel the tense How much this person hated me And I try to stay away from this person Cuz this person truly wanted me outs I was finally in the office and no more delivery So I knew that it was war in the inside Through the sales I made, I was gaining points And it realli made the person angry WHich I was just working hard staying close to my boss FInally this person made mistakes afteer mistakes Grinding them Teeth..And it got to my Bosss heart He fired her instead of me staying inside I member that day, God had my back cuz this is drama Lord God I wanted to share that I am creating a Teeth In a Dental Labortory (Crown and Bridge) There are many needs in this world that I can help FOr the poors who has missing teeth that I can fill It is what I call a trade and I know that this can glorifiy you One thing is that I do love my Job with Passion I am happy when I meet and greet my Boss And I try to fight this thang to the end Even tho I get tired from time to time I know that it is You who gave me this Job Cuz little by little, I see that My progress It is getting better cuz I am getting raises Now, What I want to do is to Help others through this Those who are in need, my hands as the working techi for dental To create a teeth that when someone smiles, They dont look like a pumpkin But you see a shine through the teeth they have I do want to thank you Lord for this Job That I do appreciate that in the Future It may bless others as well it blesses me Help me to keep on going Cuz through this One Job of Mine I am learning so much about Life and about your Love Before Lord God created human beings He created the Angels first A High Archy Angel named Lucifier He went against Lord God And wanted to be God So Lord God casts him out of Heaven And Satin takes 1/3 of the angels with him Lord God creates Man and a woman A lesser Being to show the Angels How the Lessor can be the Greater When Lord God is with them all Lord God Why did you put me through the bootcamp in the Navy I did not wanted to go there cuz it felt like jail It was pretty tough trying to survival in there But I do remember one thing tho I learned what Team mate as being a group is all abouts 3 months in the bootcamp was nothing but training Through the minds, body and heart And it was nothing about the person who is next to you When One person messes up of disobedience It is the whole team that goes Nothing but physical training Shedding tears and sweats all over the place I remembered the drills that I got when we messed up SOme people went to the hospital cuz they could not handle it And people tried to attempted Suicides Most people went on A-walls But people would always get caught The thing about this bootcamp was We all marched as One and we Sang as One The rules were that No one should be left behind And We would try to be there for one another As Whole, As One, As in Unity Becuz we were Family in the Navy Satin wants to mess people up He hates it when we march as One Cuz as a family, it is so hard to defeat So he tries to sneak inside by trying to be like One of Us Finding ways to break us out Making it into a divison One hater comes along and starts a war in the mind That is the shot Satin is looking for in a person So he becomes his friend and gets close to his heart It becomes a rumor or gossip Now the news blows up as people are begining to look at They begin to point fingers as You become the bad guy ANd next thing you know, people are fighting Cuz I tell them you are wrong, the other say i am right Lord God looks at the Kaos and sees what is happening Now it is the time to bring his troops out The Door of the Heavens gates open up Lords Angel are marching as One and singin praising the Lord They all jump out from the heaven into the earth ANd Now the Lords Angels comes to protect those who Love the Lord Those who are serving our Lord God. The Lords Angels has a sheet of paper and written a name Which Lord God wrote to protect these Souls cuz they are MINE The Lords Angels find the people and they become his children Now the battle starts with the temptation from the Other Angels Satin Now begins to make the move with his Dark angels Looking at Lord God and saying it is War on the Battlefield Now when a person who was not walking with the Lord God When he or she was not a believer of Christ The person was walking with the Dark Angel beside him No Holy Spirit Father God either And When a name gets written on a paper by Lord God He becomes CHosen One from Him The Lords ANgel looks for the person ANd the Battle is On between the two Angels They fight until the person makes up his mind When the non-believer becomes a believer The Lords Angel won victory for that day But the One who was taken away, the Dark Angel He will keep on fighting till he gets him back Satin is always on the run, he wants all soul Dead If Satin is in control of this WOrld He can win battles but cannot win the War if you are saved Satin will Never give up his fight cuz he wants you dead with him Lord God The battle has been here since the first day of our lives You were always looking down on us But it was Satins troops who kept us in prison for a long time Until we realize what you means in our lives How much you wanted to free us and give us new life It is our decission to choose what side we want to walk To do whatever we want and to live and burn in Hell Or to suffer in your name for short time and to live in Heaven with you Now when you looked in our hearts You knew that we were special and has written our names in your heart That is why You choose us to be set free.. Now The battle is On Now you want us to free other brothers and sisters who are lost Becuz of the Dark Angel is hanginging around them They are a slave and dont know where they are going Until your message is sent out, Through the Holy Spirit It will penetrate their hearts for them to realize Now the Guardian Angels, (Lords Angels) Will fight for you on your Behalf I see why this is called the Battlefield Cuz your Troops, the Guardian angels loses their lives Just to protect us as they rotate by protecting The believers of CHrist.. I thank you for your Protection I see how you choose powerful men by shaping their hearts Characters who decided to follow You ANd when they obeyed, You presence truly showed through your powers How men began to fight in your name Moses, King David, Joseph, APostle Peter, and Apostle Paul Even tho there were many others who you choosed first I see how much they loved you by going down on their knees to repent How you forgive them all becuz You also love them as well Even tho they may failed as a sinner But they won also cuz they had faith in YOu by believing your name Many faith came to you cuz of them Now you came to Shame Satin As Jesus CHrist, a Man and God But the Man who died on the Cross Even ROse to give victory to all of us By over coming Sins and now we are all set free How you were there when created Men You were even there when you created Satin When he disobeyed you by saying I want to be like God Now through humans, the lessor that you use To shame the greater being the angels You even shamed Satin cuz you came as Flesh and Blood The lessor you created yourself into ANd Overcome it through death which it gives Glory to Father.. The Battlefield is not yet done But i believe the War has already been won by You Lord Only You are waitng for the hearts to turn to you Even tho you have WOn the Victory on this Battlefield Your flags are up and we are set free I believe now we gots to tell them the Good News What you have done on this earth, (Battlefield) In the name of Jesus CHrist I share and Write Thanks for listening Dj Ps..I hope that this poem can encourage you and lift up you to smile
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 06:02:47 +0000

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