HAVE YOU INVITED THE PRESIDENT YET?! On August 21st, 2013 - TopicsExpress


HAVE YOU INVITED THE PRESIDENT YET?! On August 21st, 2013 President Obama joined the fight for Pit Bulls by making an official statement against Dog Breed Specific Legislation. Angel (the inspiration for the PIBBLE march) and PIBBLE march organizer, Rebecca Corry, were featured in the article.huffingtonpost/2013/08/20/obama-breed-specific-legislation_n_3785911.html TODAY Mr. Obama has been officially invited to the PIBBLE rally on May 3rd. **********HERE IS WHERE ALL OF YOU COME IN*********** Marchers, Rally Attendees and Supporters -- WE are urging EVERYONE to email him with the message below AT LEAST once a week between now and the rally (52 days from now!). To make this as simple as possible, please follow these instructions: Go to whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments and fill out the Contact the White House form. In the Who are you trying to contact? field, select The White House and President Obama. Enter your personal information. In the Subject field, select Civil Rights. In the Comment box, cut-and-paste the following message. Thank you for standing opposed to Breed Specific Legislation. On Saturday, May 3rd, I will be showing my support by attending the first ever One Million PIBBLE rally on the West Lawn of the US Capitol, from 12:30-2:00pm. We are participating in this peaceful demonstration in an effort to end discrimination (BSL) and abuse (dog fighting-bigger now than ever before). We hope the power of our collective voices, in this national forum, will help educate offenders and legislators alike. We would be deeply honored if you would come and address us with a few words of support and encouragement of your own, at this historic event. This is as much a social issue as it is an animal issue and it can be fixed. PLEASE join us in our effort to make communities safe and humane for humans and pets by being preeminent voice of thousands of Americas voiceless victims! Thank you for your consideration. *USING THE EMAIL PROVIDED, WE ARE CONSISTENT, CONCISE, RESPECTFUL AND REMAIN ONE COLLECTIVE VOICE. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD ON BEHALF OF MILLION OF VOICELESS VICTIMS NOT AN OPPORTUNITY TO STATE POLITICAL OPINION SO PLEASE BE THE VOICE THAT PIT BULL TERRIERS SO MUCH DESERVE. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.*
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:56:43 +0000

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