HAVING FAITH EVEN IN UNCERTAINTY HEBREWS 11:8 By faith Abraham, - TopicsExpress


HAVING FAITH EVEN IN UNCERTAINTY HEBREWS 11:8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. Have you ever been in a place where God asked you to do something that seemed unreasonable? Something that took you into the territory of the unknown? It could be that the Lord is asking you to refuse a long-awaited promotion or God may be calling you to change your career, go into ministry, or change your way of life to suit that of Christ. Perhaps you have been praying God for something; you have fasted and done all you can in your ability and knowledge. You all scriptures that you can and after all said and done you still waiting God to honor His promises. The unknown is full of uncertainties especially in a world where we want to be assured of everything before venturing into something new. However, God often calls us to this unknown territory as we follow him. We are to obey his commands, to forgive, or to give away our treasures that provide security and pleasure in our lives. Abraham went through a time of uncertainty. Imagine how he felt when God asked him to move his whole family without telling him where they were going. God will ask us to do stuff that are out of our comfort zones but we should believe and rely on Him to know He has the best interest at heart for our lives. Therefore, never be afraid to entrust the unknown future to the all-knowing God. Can you just imagine living trusting God that He will do what He said He will do even when in human thinking it is unrealistic. We live in the world which believes everything should be empirical and factual, scientifically proven and with irrefutable evidences, provable and/or verifiable. However, that is not how God would works. For us to obtain God’s promises we must have Faith in God “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 Regardless of how uncertain a situation may seem to be, even if there is no tangible evidence, if God says He will do then he will do. It may be irrational, impractical, insensible, unreasonable, unrealistic, provided it came from the mouth of the Lord, it shall come to pass. The “how-ness and when-ness” is not for us to know, what we need to do is to believe, that is not too much to ask, is it? Mary the young virgin girl asked Angel Gabriel a very simple question, How will this be, Mary asked the angel, since I am a virgin? The angel answered, The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. ...I am the Lords servant, Mary answered. May your word to me be fulfilled. Then the angel left her” Luke 1:34-38 Mary, knowing God is capable of doing immeasurable beyond human reasoning told the Angel, okay let it be, no more questions. I do meet many people who are struggling with some decisions that have not worked out the way they expected. The details dont matter except to say that the people took what seemed to be a step of faith and the result has been a great big mess. They ask, What did I do wrong? Thats a natural question to ask when life rewards your courage with nothing but trouble. The truth is, its entirely possible that this person did nothing wrong. Or maybe they did, but their current troubles are not proof that they were wrong in the first place. Thats a hard truth to accept, especially when youre the one in the middle of the mess, after youve done what you thought was the will of God. There are a lot of things that might be said at this point, but perhaps this one needs to be mentioned first, HAVING FAITH EVEN IN UNCERTAINTY Friends, let us say a prayer: Gracious God, you love all that you have made, including us, and you want us to have abundant life. Thanks for responding whenever we knock, even if the answer is not what we expected. When we feel adrift and without a clear course of action, remind us that you are always with us, always seeking to make all things work together for good, no matter what paths we choose. Thank you for remaining faithful and steadfast, even when we feel alone and lost. Help us to pay attention to your guidance, and to trust you to work in and through us in all our choices. In Jesus’ name we pray and believe Amen and Amen! Friends, God bless you so much and increase your faith in Jesus Name! I wish you a wonderful day today. SHALOM!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 08:58:29 +0000

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