HE HAS WRITTEN TO THE PARLIAMENT…FOR OUR ADVICE ‘’I am 33 years old. An employed professional. In a relationship with a lady (who is in between jobs) and she is 31 years old. We are both from Anambra state. I met her over a year ago and gave her a ring early this year. She lives in Lagos while I stay in Abuja but she visits me. I also take care of her needs to the best of my capability. Recently, she visited my base and while she was seeing her friend that called on us off, her phone (which I bought for her) started ringing. The setting on her phone is such that the pictures of those on her Black Berry contact are synchronized with their phone numbers in her phonebook. So the picture of this particular caller had a guy (the caller) carrying my girl at a beach or something. I didn’t pick the call but the caller immediately sent her an sms-questioning where she is and why she didn’t pick his call. Out of curiosity-I started going through her text messages and my heart sank. The reason why she guards her phone with so much alertness dawned on me. At least she has about three other guys that she talks seriously with-relationship wise. When she came back from seeing her friend off, I sought to know who the man was to her and the explanation for the picture (of him carrying her at a beach),she snatched her phone from me and started arguing with me…out of anger, I smashed the phone against the wall and the next thing my girl did shocked me…she started making calls and asking some friends to arrange for a police man for her. I thought it was a joke but a police man did show up at my door step and flashed his id card to me. It took my working my phone to get the police man off my back because a call from ‘up there’ also instructed him to abort his mission in my house. My girl and I never spoke for like three days. She didn’t beg. Although I was coming home to a clean house and cooked meals…something she had never done since I met her. She even washed my car at a point. We have always eaten out. She stays put in the bedroom and I sleep on the couch, sometimes pretending to be very busy with work but when I could not bear it anymore, I brought out transport fare and asked her to feel free to leave whenever she decides. She took the money but didn’t leave that same day. She left about two days later and has been bombarding me with phone calls (which I don’t pick) and text messages…begging for forgiveness. This is a girl that I have met her people and almost took my people to her place for introduction-until her people told us to keep things on hold because they lost her uncle. I am just confused right now. I want the Parliament to advise me…is this relationship still worth it? Is this lady worth giving a chance to? What I find difficult to understand is that there is really nothing special about those guys she is relating with. I am a doctor. I even instructed her to have those men call me and assure me that they have nothing with her…she didn’t do that. She actually came to my house with a new sophisticated phone and told me that she wants to give out the one I bought for her. I didn’t complain, though I felt bad. Please advise me. Thank you’’
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:30:16 +0000

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