HEADACHE KEEPING YOU DOWN...USE THE POWER OF Acupuncture Maybe it starts as a tension in your upper back or neck? Maybe it starts as a mild ache in your temples and spreads to your eyes and forehead? Maybe it comes every day? Maybe it leaves you debilitated and stuck in bed? Maybe it comes just before your menstrual cycle? Whatever form it comes in for you, headaches happen and it’s time you opened your eyes to the powerful relief of acupuncture. Diagnosis Taking into Consideration Your Whole Body Symptoms The uniqueness of Traditional Chinese Medical acupuncture is that we form a diagnosis based on the energetic imbalances found in your body according to symptoms. That way each treatment is specifically designed to treat you and your specific form of headache. We analze your headaches patterns of disharmony (is it your Liver meridian system or your Stomach meridian system being effected?), the state of your life force (Qi) as well as the presence of any excesses and deficiencies affecting your headaches. Traditional Chinese Medicine takes into consideration your whole body when diagnosing a condition and therefore many benefits can be experienced even after just one session! Not Just Needles Relaxing techniques such as acupressure massage, acupuncture point needling, and breathing and stretching excercises are a wonderful treatment combination that can instantly relieve and prevent headaches from recurring. If the fear of needles has stopped you in the past from trying Traditional Chinese acupuncture, rest asured there are other techniques that can be used. However acupuncture does not hurt, so do not let your headaches stop you from a treatment that may return you to your style of life. Be the growing trend of people that are relying on this ‘new’ old style of medicine...that works! Dorothy Kazula
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 20:31:07 +0000

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