:: HEALER SESSIONS:: As promised, I wanted to start - TopicsExpress


:: HEALER SESSIONS:: As promised, I wanted to start implementing a brand new part of Aquarius Nation with this brand new year of 2015 where I share with you the plethora of healers that I have the honor of crossing paths with. And I wanted to be clear that for the past few years I have been hearing 1% healer in regards to many readings I have done. And I want you to know that this is NOT that small of a number of people. It does not mean 1 in every country, it means about 1 in every 100 healers. So if there are 6000 healers per state, about 600 of them will have extra powerful abilities to create change in other peoples bodies and lives. So do not think of it as so rare, because actually it is NOT. To be one of these healers there is a natural gift but one of the most important facets is that there also must be the strong KNOWING that they DO IN FACT have a gift to shift and heal. THAT is the secret ingredient! It is that belief in self that can move the mountains. And this is why I also believe we are ALL capable of this form of healing! And I would not be surprised if 1% soon becomes 10% and then 50% and then 100%! YAY! I also believe another facet that REALLY pushes us to the top of that 1%, not in it, but to the top of it, is a humble attitude to ones gifts. This is not needing to state how gifted and special you are and to broadcast that you are the best, which I think is part of a learning that happens to people who know they have gifts. At first they feel privileged and then expect to be catered to in regards to their MONUMENTAL gifts. But the ones who are really the most valuable and the most sought after will be the ones that are humble to the core and doing their work BECAUSE it is their gift to offer, and feeling driven to DO THEIR WORK as their number one purpose of being here at this time. I think when you really find that humble vibe, you really rise to the top as truly a special one that will ripple through the masses as the person to go and see. Now another key reason to there being SO MANY natural born gifted healers at this time is because we are are ONLY to go towards someone that we really resonate with and REALLY feel connected to. I THINK THIS IS KEY. This is the same as how there are SO MANY astrologers out there, and I didnt really even want to put myself out there because the arena is thoroughly covered and saturated actually. But at some point I realized that I do have a strong personality and a strong presence and that WHO I AM and how I talk IS something that will resonate with some of the people out there. We go towards the people that we feel at home with and resonate with. We are not going to go to an astrologer who annoys us or who we feel skeptical with, we go to the one who feels like our friend or our kind of peoples. Same with friends. Same with lovers. Same with places. Same with jobs. And THIS HAS been a huge part of the learning of 2014! We are learning to lead with our heart and to go towards what feels nurturingly supportive to OUR hearts. This may mean our friend will choose differently and that is okay. We have to FEEL how we FEEL about others. And then go from there! So every person I bring to you through this series, I want you to feel out and to feel if it feels right for YOU. Now one of the things you should know about me, and what has been my main lesson from 2014, is that I am OVER THE TOP giddy at first with things!! Kind of like that love that proclaims that THIS ONE is the ONE!!! I am so in LOVE!! Yeah, thats me. But then I always later come down to earth. I always later have either a much more reinforced feeling of the same, or the the exact opposite. So I am always to take more time with my emotions and to feel how I feel later in time before I go screaming from the rooftops. Now a few days ago I had this session from this woman and did the whole screaming from the rooftops... which I am not supposed to do!! But I did it!! As my last final lesson of the year I guess! And I really did want to share her with you today, but what I have found is that I have not processed this enough to give a full on feedback reading!! I am actually in the void in a way and I do not know how I feel about it now. I KNOW magic happened, but I have not had enough time pass to truly process the changes or what really occurred. I think this may be a truth of energy healing! It takes some time to feel what the changes are and how they have impacted your life. So if I had not already promised on the 1st to come forward and instead waited for the correct time, I may have much more to say. Maybe later in time the words will come forward! But right now the energy doesnt feel right to say how I feel because I dont know! And to really reinforce this! I was out walking last night on the creek bed that is dry right now in parts. And I was walking on the snow and RIGHT as I started to think about what I would say about this healing session I received, I walked over a patch of ice beneath the snow that I did not see and SLAMMED to the ground!! And not only that, but then it was so icy that I couldnt even get up.... so I just layed there for a while, looking up at the tree limbs and laughing that THERE was my answer. I am not yet ready to speak about this. The cake is still cooking in the over and I cant take it out to see how it turned out yet. I am still cooking on this. I am still processing this. But I will reveal who I had the session with and you can tune into your own body to feel if she is right for you. Her name is Sue Ann. Check her out! spirithealingsince1996/index.html Now I ALSO am going to be talking NEXT TIME about this man who is coming to Santa Fe in a few weeks who travels the world doing healings and my dear friend came here for a visit last summer to have her 2nd session with him. And when he came through town last time I wasnt really interested so I didnt get a session too. But this LAST session DID get me more open to first hand exploring the gifts of these energy healers, so now I am really stoked to have a session with him. And also my friend was rear ended by a car going 50 miles per hour and she had been pretty much stuck to the bed, in constant pain and unable to even take a few steps for several years and she was about to go get back surgery and instead got a session from him. After ONE session, she was walking and feeling NO pain. She still walks slow, but she is functioning like normal again and has no pain. She calls him a miracle worker. He also too is very much about the donation system. So anyone can afford his work. On his website the buttons say that he asks for $108 but that you can pay whatever you can afford. But I will tell you more next month after I see him! And then I will tell you more about my last session with Sue Ann. For now, I am only wanting to be still and feel this out... But my loves, you have a BEAUTIFUL NEW YEARS DAY!! I got new prayer flags to put up on the entrance of my home and have done a ceremony where I open the windows and sweep out all the old of 2014 and then welcome in the new healing amazing prosperous energies of 2015. I hear that the word for 2015 as a collective whole is PROSPEROUS. That sounds like a great word, huh! I love you and I will be back with more juicy bits of life for you soon! love, kv
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:54:07 +0000

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