HEALING YOUR CHILDHOOD ABUSE: FROM VICTIMHOOD TO VICTORY! DEAR FRIENDS- When it comes to thoroughly healing our childhood abuse, we come out of victimhood by facing the fact that we once truly were undeserving victims. It is very hard to open up to the buried feelings of helplessness - as well as the anger and aloneness and hurt- but we need to do it in order to bring it out of unconsciousness, express it and by fully expressing it finally release it. The more we consciously and self-compassionately face the feelings and truth about once having been helpless victims as children- the less victimized we become. We grow into heroic and empowered self-rescuers! This is the life-changing work all of us who were hurt as infants, children and adolescents need to embrace. It is truly the movement- in the core of our bodies and minds, our hearts and souls- from victimhood to victory. You werent born to suffer with a burden of inner pain from mistreatment and abuse that you never deserved. Awaken all your courage and determination and clarity- and the unstoppable power of your love and tenderness for yourself- and never ever give up until youve let every last drop of it go! Love is stronger than fear and is the most potent and miraculous medicine of all. Bring forth the mighty river of love sleeping deep inside you and let it wash you clean! YOU CAN DO IT! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 12:30:32 +0000

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