HEALTH BENEFITS OF WATERMELON. Watermelon is basically - TopicsExpress


HEALTH BENEFITS OF WATERMELON. Watermelon is basically very cleansing, alkalinizing, diuretic and mineralizing. It is very effective in promoting intestinal elimination, keeping the body free from toxic wastes. (Yea I know this makes watermelon sound incredibly delicious doesn’t it?) The watermelon’s juice is easily digestible and are completely absorbed for all its minerals, providing much needed nutrients to the body. The alkalinizing effect maintains the acid-alkaline balance in the body, neutralizing the toxic condition of the body resulting from excessive intake of acid- forming foods. Drawing from the rich anti-oxidant and beta-carotene, the health effects of watermelon juice are immense. Asthma: The powerful anti- oxidant in watermelon reduces toxic matters in the body, that in turn reduces asthma attacks. Arthritis: The rich beta-carotene and vitamin C content in this big fruit do wonders in quenching inflammation that contributes to conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Bladder problems: Its cleansing and natural diuretic effect is totally healing for kidney and bladder problems Cholesterol: Watermelon juice is healthful in preventing cholesterol from clogging arteries and can increase HDL, the good cholesterol, reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases. Constipation: Drink a big glass of watermelon juice. It is very effective in aiding the elimination of wastes. Consuming plenty of this red juice will do a lot of good. Fluid retention: Its diuretic action helps to eliminate excess fluids from the body, reducing water retention, especially for women during their monthly menstruation cycle and in pregnant women. Heart attack: The combination of folic acid and the other essential vitamins in this fruit plays an important role in reducing the risks of heart attacks, strokes and colon cancer. Itchiness: As watermelon juice cleanses the body of toxic wastes, it also greatly reduces itchiness that result from toxicity of acidosis. Prostate Cancer: Lycopene (from red watermelons) has been extensively researched for its anti- oxidant and cancer-preventing properties. It is reported to be especially protective against prostate cancer. Skin Blemish: Use watermelon externally by applying a small piece liberally on your face. Leave for ten minutes, then wash off with warm water, followed by a splash of cold water. Eliminates Bad Decisions: He he, I threw that one in to see if you were paying attention. No, sadly watermelon does not eliminate bad decisions, but eating a watermelon lands you on the “‘good decision” list. Watermelon is cold, sweet and refreshing and provides a safe reliable fluid in many desert regions of the world. Watermelon is considered a rejuvenating blood tonic and very alkalinizing. It is also antibacterial, antioxidant, anticoagulating, a digestive aid, diuretic, and laxative. It lubricates the intestines and has an affinity for the bladder, kidney, stomach and heart. Watermelon is a good source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, and silicon. It actually has half as much sugar as an apple, yet tastes sweeter, because it is mostly (92%) water. Watermelon contains the red pigment, lycopene which is proving to prevent cancer. It also contains glutathione, which guards against cataract formation. Watermelon helps lift the spirits from depression and has been used to improve halitosis, hangover, mouth sores, sore throat, and urethral pain. Watermelon makes an ideal food during a cleanse. When the white spot that touches the ground, turns yellow or cream colored, it indicates ripeness. Avoid melons with a green or white belly. Select a melon heavy for its size. When the melon is thumped, it should have a dull, hollow sound. If the skin is scraped with one’s nail and it comes off easily, the melon is ripe. Smell for a sweet fragrance. Best to enjoy watermelon alone, but try it with other melons in a fruit salad or juice it. Enjoy a cool watermelon sorbet. Watermelon rind contains chlorophyll and can be eaten (close to the skin) or run through a juicer for building the blood and strengthening the glands. In some parts of South America, watermelon rind is applied to the temples and forehead to cool a headache. Watermelon pulp is used topically to treat heat rash and burns. The black watermelon seeds are a traditional remedy for strengthening the kidneys. The seeds, juice and pink flesh can all be juiced together. They contain curcurbocitrin which dilates the capillaries. Look for watermelons with seeds and eat them! (I promise, a melon won’t grow in your belly.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:31:06 +0000

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