HEAR ME OUT RAILA ODINGA(TATA) NEVER SAY DIE KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL: By Prof Makau Mutua A memorable line in William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”. Methinks that line perfectly describes you, Agwambo. It says “some [men] are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them”. Rarely have all three fates been bequeathed to one man. But I will say this – you are one of infinitesimal cases to hit this trifecta. This is what my crystal ball clearly tells me – those who pine for your “political death” are “wishful thinkers,” not “thoughtful wishers”. What they know, but refuse to accept, is that you see like a giraffe – over the trees into the distant horizon. That’s why they have a mortal fear of you – you scare the living daylights out of them. Your detractors have no illusion you are Kenya’s democratic mugumo (fig) tree. That’s why their blood boils at the mention of your name. I know that some may quibble with my calling you the “mugumo”. They will say – but Agwambo “lost” the elections. But make no mistake. They don’t see in you the biblical Samson who became impotent once he lost his hair. No sir – they think you are a caged animal. They know you are dangerous to their political machinations. They want to keep you caged, or better yet, neutered. I am here to ask you not to even think of granting their evil wish. Stay focused, and keep your eyes on the ball. Don’t listen to naysayers. I write this open letter for several reasons. First, political leadership on the “Left” is a duty to the nation. But political leadership on the “Right” is a service to self and vested economic interests. You represent the former, not the latter. Thus it’s your duty – burden – to carry the political Left until a new leader emerges. Right now, no such leader has emerged, or is willing to take the mantle. The younger folks pining for leadership within ODM are simply hungry for power. None of them has the requisite political history to inherit you. In which vineyards did they toil? What finishing school of politics did they go to? Being elected doesn’t count as the rite of passage. Secondly, those who would push you out want a lacuna on the political Left. Let’s be honest – they actually want to kill the Left. Theirs is a mission to vanquish an alternative vision for Kenya. That’s because many in ODM don’t belong to the Left. A good number are Kanu mandarins and self-seekers. They would be comfortable in Jubilee. In fact, I think some regret not joining Jubilee.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:33:52 +0000

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