HEAR TODAY, GONE TOMORRW Take care of the hearing you have. As - TopicsExpress


HEAR TODAY, GONE TOMORRW Take care of the hearing you have. As we age, hearing normally decreases. The cells in the cochlea get worn out and damaged. Many of us grew up with parents telling us to “turn down that TV or radio”. Well it is true. I read where rock legends, Neil Young, Pete Townshend and Eric Clapton all have hearing losses….if you went to one of their concerts you might understand. There are two kinds of hearing losses. One is from obstruction, or infection or damage to the ear canal. That is medically correctable. The other loss is from nerve loss and is not correctable Conversation occurs between 40 and 60 decibels. Any sound higher than 85 decibels puts you at risk. That is why some factories and airport workers wear ear protectors. An occasional situation that puts you with loud noise may not cause problems, but on- going , frequent blasts of noise likely will cause problems . I read where one ear, nose and throat specialist from New York says that even one loud song can cause immediate damage to hair cells. Her advice, If other can hear your IPOD while you are use earbuds, the music is too loud. WHY worry? Hearing is the way we learn language. Language is the basis for communication – talking. Language is the foundation for reading and writing. Thus, good hearing is one of the most important building blocks for a child’s success in school. WORD FOR THE WEEK: What??????did you say?
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 02:42:04 +0000

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