HENRY BEATZ INDEPENDENCE DAY SPEECH TO NIGERIA. Fellow nigerians, I join friends and well wishers of this great country to say HAPPY INDEPENDENCE NIGERIA.. Today marks 53yrs of our independence from our colonial masters and I also want to thank our Heroes past for fighting for our freedom, they fought for our generations, they die so that we might live….. I even saw a man waving the nigeria flag and shouting HBD to GHANA until I discovered he was a madman ..lol… Even the Rats in my community have all painted their body Green and White.. Proudly Nigeria Rat… hahaha Ladies and gentlemen It has been an eventful 53yrs, 53yrs not of natural deserters like earthquakes but of poverty, corruption in high places, kidnapping, fraud, killings and so on and so forth… As usually, I know the commander of the arm forces, the number 1 citizen, President Goodluck Jonathan will come on National Tv to address the nation once again, I know he will tell us how Good the economy is, How the national GDP is increasing! I wonder how many nigerians knows the meaning of GDP, a GDP that is increasing, yet hunger is also increasing? I know he will tell us how Govtment is providing work for our youths, yet we still have the highest number of un-employed youths in africa, I know he will tell us how govtment is cutting cost yet we operate one of the most expensive system of govtment in the world. I know he will tell us govtment is fighting corruption thru the EFCC and ICPC, yet no high profile personality have been convicted, only petty thieves when the real culprit are moving freely. I know he will tell us agriculture in nigeria is good, yet we spend 1 billion importing rice daily, we can’t refine our crude product in nigeria, sure he will tell us about his TRANSFORMATION AGENDA and promise us more even when most of the 2011 elections promises have not been met. But I know he won’t tell us when ASUU will go back to classroom, he won’t tell us that 2bn naire was earmark in the 2013 budget just to feed him fat while we that elected him are dying of hungry, he won’t tell us when nigeria will boost of standard hospitals like those found in Europe so that we don’t have to rush our 1st lady to Germany anytime she falls sick like every other people. I know he won’t tell us when our universities will all be upgraded to international standard so that the billions we spend every year in Ghana and other European universities can be pump into our economy I know he will not tell us when this Boko haram killings will stop even after declaring state of emergency BUT I won’t put all the Blame on him because I know he herited most of the problems we are facing today, problems that has eated deep into the system… I live in a country where past leaders have suddenly turned into activist, blaming present govtment for not doing what they could not do in their own tenure. I live in a country where corruption is celebrated everywhere… I live in a country where past leaders are fighting to take back power, yet they tell us we are the leaders of tomorrow. I live in a country where national honors are given to criminals every year!! Even our heroes past will be disappointed in their graves after all they went thru for this country But I won’t spent the whole day mourning my country, I refuse to be sad because I know the nigeria of our dream is possible. Am calling on men and women of Goodwill to raise up to the challenge. United we stand and divided we fall. its time for a silent revolution, not of violence but passing a strong signal to our leaders that enough is enough. 2015 is fast approaching, we need true leaders that are ready to serve the interest of the people… let me conclude with independence day speech from Hon Patrick Obahiagbon. This was the gobbledegook of the kpotokios in the crass and macadam vituperation of our grey matter from the terminus a quo to the terminus ad quem of their colonial peregrination and I dare say that FIFTY THREE YEARS after our flag and territorial shambolic autarky, our modus vivendi both at the leadership and followership sub- stratum still exudes and sustains that kpotokian diatribe. This is indeed the sphinxian conundrum of a Nation at FIFTY THREE.” – Hon Patrick Obahiagbon. Once again, I congratulate my country. GREAT PEOPLE, GREAT NATION…..
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 06:56:51 +0000

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