HHJGA Full Time student Javier Prensa. Javier will be a senior - TopicsExpress


HHJGA Full Time student Javier Prensa. Javier will be a senior this year and graduate from Hilton Head Preparatory School this spring. After high school Javier plans on competing for his university as a student athlete on their golf team. We met javier in Texas at the Starburst junior golf event in early June. He has only been with us training for two weeks but has already made the majority of improvements to his full swing that we will need him to make. Although the changes he made were by most peoples standards enormous Javier made them with ease. One reason he was able to make such changes easily was because when a player introduces the correct adjustments to the equation they fall right into place due to the fact that they belong. If the changes being introduced are extremely difficult to incorporate often it is because they are the wrong ones or they are being introduced at the wrong time. Simply identifying an error in the swing and providing a proper process to eliminate it is just part of the solution. If the fix is implemented at the wrong time meaning it is put in before the swing is ready to receive it then it will not stick at least not permanently. Knowing when to do what and specifically what order to make the swing improvements in is vital. Most of the time there are many things that can be done prior to the fix that will make the motion much more susceptible to change. That is often the difference between successfully improving a players motion or complicating the situation even further. More often than not students are amazed at how we are able to completely eliminate an issue they have had for years and we do it in just a few days or weeks. Its our understanding of when to do what and how to prime the area in preparation for an upcoming change. Without that many areas or issues in the swing are all but impenetrable. The second reason Javier is able to make such drastic improvements to his swing in just a couple weeks is because of his ability to listen, comprehend and implement the information he is provided. He is a very intelligent young man which can allow for changes to occurs much faster through rewiring the way he perceives particular areas or issues in the swing. This type if correction can by pass almost all the drills and muscle movement altering forms of development. By changing his perception you change the way his mind communicates with The muscles in that particular area (incredible to see just how instantaneous a player can alter mechanics when this occurs). The third reason is obviously due to his athleticism however no matter how athletic a student is, if the process provided is flawed and his ability to comprehend the information than improvements such as Javier has been able to accomplish would be out of the question. Here Javier is using a very simple angle maintenance exercise. Because Javier gripped the club incorrectly his club face would get closed. This triggered an chain of events starting at the beginning of the down swing. First his mid section would move in towards the ball allowing his upper body, arms, hands and club to move away which was the correct compensation for a player to make when face with that flaw in the swing. Javier is simply trying to feel his tail end stay against the greenish colored ball during and after he initiates the down swing with his left and knee then hips. This eliminates the unnecessary shallowing move he was making with his body. This would not be possible had numerous other issues not been changed. One of which was teaching him how to ALLOW the club to shallow during the change of direction through dynamically transitioning along with working the club back steeper by working his hands more in from the start. Well done Javier! Its coming together as rapidly as possible and exactly as planned. All of your full swing adjustments will be finished by mid September leaving you the last 10 months of your junior career to focus on your short game, scoring and competing!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:55:37 +0000

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