HILLSIDE HELPS- “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we - TopicsExpress


HILLSIDE HELPS- “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps. 118:24) Along the path that leads to maturity in Christ we have to learn the discipline of living one day at a time. If we are always looking back at yesterday’s successes or failures we are held captive by regrets and are unable to do the things God wants us to do today. If on the other hand we are looking only at the worries of tomorrow, we are held captive by the fear of what might happen. This is why it is imperative that we live one day at a time. This day is the day the Lord, our Creator and Keeper has made. We are alive physically and spiritually because He willed it. For this, we must have a thankful and grateful heart. The enemy wants us to live in the chains of regret or the fears of the future, thereby robbing us of real joy in the Lord today. It is high time the people of God stopped all the complaining and move on because we are the children of God. He is our Redeemer and Lord. He has everything under His control. His goodness and mercy endures forever. We fail miserably, as Christians, when we start the day the Lord has made, without reflecting and remembering all He has already done in the past and believing that He will do it again. There is a world of lost people around us, even today, who are watching and listening. They may be sitting with us in a Sunday school class or beside us in a pew during worship. They could be at the table beside us at lunch. The greatest witness we have to share is a Christ like outlook and character. We are victors not victims. Our God rules. He has already won all the battles we will ever face. We must live, believing and walking out the victory that we know in Christ. What hope do we give to others if we as Christians walk around with our head down feeling sorry for ourselves and overcome with self-pity. Today, Christian, you are a peculiar and special people. Don’t listen to the devil’s lies. We owe everything to the Lord; therefore rejoice that God has given you another day to get things right for His glory. Stop long enough to pray and worship the Lord. Show the Lord and the world that you are glad to be ALIVE. Love for you all. (Bro Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 11:47:05 +0000

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