HIS Chosen~Daughters of the KING! “According as HE hath - TopicsExpress


HIS Chosen~Daughters of the KING! “According as HE hath chosen us in HIM before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before HIM in love.” Ephesians 1:4 Paul wrote Ephesians in a Roman prison. It’s safe to say he was not getting a whole lot of encouragement from his fellow inmates. But here we find Paul starting this letter off by reminding the Ephesians of GODS spiritual blessings. The prisoner begins this list with the truth that we are chosen. Chosen; called out. By HIM we are called out from darkness into light, from death into life, and from deception into truth. If that wasn’t amazing enough, GOD said HE called us out “before the foundation of the world.” Before GOD ever said “let there be light,” HE looked out through eternity future and saw you. HE saw that you needed a SAVIOR to save you from your sin and condemnation. HE already planned to send HIS SON to do just that but then HE chose you “to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.” Why would HE do such a thing? Because of our past sins and failures, we may not think we are very high on the list of eligible, much less desirable, choices. Why would The CREATOR of the universe pick us? But that is exactly Who has chosen us so that we can stand before HIM holy and without blame. Spotless. Clean. In HIS amazing love. All because of the Blood of JESUS. We were chosen and placed in this time and in this generation to be a witness of HIM and HIS transforming love. To our family, to our co-workers and to our community we are the chosen women to show what the gospel of redemption looks like in day to day life. Today may be a day when you don’t feel much chosen for anything greater than getting out of bed, but you are. You have been selected to wear the crown of royalty and to bear your FATHERS light. What an awesome privilege and responsibility HE has bestowed on you. No matter what you face today, know that you have been chosen, as Esther was, “for such a time as this.” Today, walk in the path that HE has prepared for you, HIS chosen. Prayer: Dear HEAVENLY FATHER, thank YOU for choosing me before the foundation of the world so that I might be presented before YOU without blame and in holiness and love. Help me to think, talk and act like I am YOUR chosen one today. Thank YOU for the blood of JESUS that makes all this possible. I love YOU, LORD. In JESUS name, Amen. (Read: Matthew 5:13-14)
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 15:46:36 +0000

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