HIS­TORY ON THIS DAY The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), Australia - TopicsExpress


HIS­TORY ON THIS DAY The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), Australia Oct 23, 2014 53 42BC Bat­tle of Philippi, sec­ond en­gage­ment; Bru­tus com­mits sui­cide. 1642 The first ma­jor con­flict of the English Civil War oc­curs at the Bat­tle of Edge­hill be­tween the roy­al­ists un­der King Charles I and the Par­lia­men­tar­i­ans; both sides claim vic­tory. 1739 Bri­tain de­clares war on Spain. The con­flict is called the War of Jenk­ins’ Ear be­cause of the al­leged am­pu­ta­tion of Cap­tain Robert Jenk­ins’ ear by Span­ish coast­guards. 1823 Sur­veyor-gen­eral John Ox­ley leaves Syd­ney on the cut­ter Mer­maid to ex­am­ine Port Bowen, Port Cur­tis (Glad­stone) and More­ton Bay. He is to ex­am­ine the sug­ges­tion of a con­vict colony at Port Cur­tis. He also ex­am­ines the Tweed River. 1891 Ge­orge Dibbs be­comes pre­mier of NSW for the third time af­ter Sir Henry Parkes re­signs when La­bor with­draws sup­port. 1917 Vladimir Lenin ar­rives in Rus­sia from Fin­land to urge Bol­she­viks to take power. 1942 The Bri­tish, led by Field Mar­shal Bernard Mont­gomery, launch a suc­cess­ful in­fantry at­tack against the Ger­mans led by Rom­mel at El-Alamein, Egypt. 1944 US forces led by Ad­mi­ral Wil­liam F. Halsey Jr, com­mence a de­ci­sive air and sea bat­tle (pic­tured) against the Ja­panese on the Philip­pine is­land of Leyte. Ja­pan loses 34 ships. 1950 US vaude­ville singer Al Jol­son, 64, who called him­self “the world’s great­est en­ter­tainer’’, dies. 1956 Stu­dents in Bu­dapest, Hun­gary, be­gin a protest that ends in rev­o­lu­tion. 1968 The first heart trans­plant in Aus­tralia is per­formed at St Vin­cent’s Hospi­tal in Syd­ney, by a team led by Harry Wind­sor, on Richard Pye, 57 1987 Syd­ney night­club owner Abe Saf­fron, 68, is con­victed of tax fraud.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 02:10:00 +0000

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