HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL CONTEXT In the Hebrew Bible, Ruth is one of - TopicsExpress


HISTORICAL AND SOCIAL CONTEXT In the Hebrew Bible, Ruth is one of the Megilloth (Fes­ti­val Scrolls) and is read dur­ing the feast of Pen­te­cost. In accept­ing the God of Israel, Ruth fore­shad­ows the gen­tiles becom­ing a part of spir­i­tual har­vest — the church. The story takes place dur­ing the time of judges dur­ing the Bar­ley and Wheat harvest. The book of Ruth is per­me­ated with ancient Israelite cus­toms that seem strange to us: the glean­ing of grain by the poor (Ruth 2:2), inher­i­tance laws (Ruth 4:9–10), the removal of san­dals in busi­ness exchanges (Ruth 4:7). Another cus­tom alluded to in the story is that of levi­rate mar­riage (Ruth 1:11–12). THE LEVERITE MARRIAGE. If a mar­ried man died with­out any chil­dren to carry on his name and inher­i­tance, it was his unmar­ried brother’s respon­si­bil­ity to marry the widow so that: “The first son she bears shall carry on the name of the dead brother so that his name will not be blot­ted out from Israel” (Deuteron­omy 25:6). This is known as a levi­rate mar­riage from the Latin word for brother-in-law, levir Since there is no heir to inherit Elimelech’s land, the Levi­rate Law is trig­gered by the redemp­tion in this unusual sit­u­a­tion. THE KINGSMAN REDEEMER Deuteron­omy 25 From the idea of the human “go’el” as a redeemer of his kins­men in their trou­bles, there are to be found many allu­sions to God as the Divine Go’el, redeem­ing His peo­ple from their woes (com­pare Ex. 6:6, 15:13; Ps. 72:2), and of the peo­ple them­selves becom­ing the “redeemed” ones of YHVH (Ps. 107:2; Isa. 62:12). The law of redemp­tion is detailed pri­mar­ily in Leviti­cus 25 and cov­ers both the loss of prop­erty and the loss of free­dom. Adam suf­fered both these losses when he sinned and from that time for­ward all of his prog­eny were held cap­tive to sin by the one who had stolen their king­dom, await­ing the Great Kins­man Redeemer. (a)Israel is redeemed as a nation out of Egypt (Ex. 6:6; cf. Isa. 63:4). (b) One ani­mal should be redeemed by another (Ex. 13:13). A lost estate could be redeemed by a kins­man (Lev. 25:25). This prac­tice becomes a type of Christ’s redemption. The con­cept of redemp­tion and the goel, the man who redeems, are of pri­mary impor­tance in Ruth. One of most impor­tant duties of the redeemer was to aid a mem­ber of his extended fam­ily who had been forced to sell his land due to severe poverty. Le 25:25 If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold (mort­gages or pawned) away some of his pos­ses­sion, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold. 26 And if the man have none to redeem it, and him­self be able to redeem it; 27 let him reckon the years since he sold it and pay back the over­pay­ment to the man to whom he sold it; and he shall return to his property. It is impor­tant to remem­ber that Israelites could never sell the land itself because they did not own it—the LORD was the true owner and the Israelites were His ten­ants. Lev 25:23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourn­ers with me. The clans of the var­i­ous tribes of Israel had received the land from God as a per­ma­nent inher­i­tance that was to be passed from fathers to sons. If dri­ven by extreme finan­cial neces­sity, an Israelite was per­mit­ted to tem­porar­ily sell his land’s usufruct (the right to use the land and profit from its pro­duce) to some­one else. God insti­tuted the redemp­tion laws out of love for Israel. When through the loss of land or free­dom an Israelite became alien­ated from God’s covenant promises, he could be fully restored through the work of a goel. This reflected the real­ity that the LORD Him­self had acted as divine goel when He redeemed Israel from bondage in Egypt to be His own peo­ple (see Exo­dus 6:6–8). The redemp­tion laws there­fore are an Old Tes­ta­ment type of Christ, the goel of the whole world.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 04:17:04 +0000

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