HISTORY IS REPEATING AGAIN (A) - THE FIRST REJECTION WAS BY THE JEWS; AND WHO DID THEY REJECT? When Jesus was on earth, the JEWS who were the depositary of the Hebrew writings (Old Testament) about God, rejected HIM and claimed that He cannot be GOD when He forgave the sins of the paralytic – (Mark 2:1-11). They told Jesus that He did not come from heaven; he was only the son of Joseph and Mary which was brought up in Nazareth, Galilee – (Luke 4:22). Many times Jesus tried to convince them that He was with the Father in heaven and that He was sent by the Father - (John 3:16). However, that fell into deaf ears. They killed Jesus for claiming to be God - (John 5:18; 10:33). (B) - WHAT IS THE SECOND REJECTION TO REPEAT HISTORY, AND BY WHOM? On the last night before Jesus Christs death, He informed the disciples that He would send “ANOTHER” COMFORTER (HOLY SPIRIT) to replace Him – (John 14:6). The COMFORTER would be sent from heaven, just like Himself who originated from heaven; was with the Father. ON the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven upon the disciples in a personal and real way – (Acts 2). The Holy Spirit was the God who did the miracle on the day of Pentecost which caused the disciples to speak in the language of the people that came to hear them preached - Jesus is the Messiah – (Acts 2). After 2,000 years of the Holy Spirits personal descent upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost as Jesus Christs representative on earth, many professed Christians still have never accepted Him (Holy Spirit) as GOD. He was the teacher for the disciples. (C ) - WHAT WAS THE HISTORY REPEATED AGAIN? The Jews who had the Old Testament rejected JESUS as GOD. Now the professed Christians who possessed the Old and New Testaments for 2,000 years are rejecting the HOLY SPIRIT as GOD. History is repeating itself again.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:47:21 +0000

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