HOMEOPATHY FOR THE BEGINNER- THE ESSENTIALS OF HOMEOPATHY What is Homeopathy ? how can one explain the bare essentials of homeopathy.There are three basic points that have to be understood and communicated. 1. Homeopathy is wholistic medicine. you have heard that one before! but what exactly does it mean? this means that in homeopathy, the whole human being is taken into account. The human being has a Mental ,an emotional and a physical level. as George Vithoulkas is fond of saying, we deal not only with the human body which is only the physical level , but also the deeper levels,mental and emotional. 2. the second point that should always be remembered is that Homeopathy is a Health centred healing method. now what is new here!! you may ask.the idea is to enhance the overall health of the person , and thus leave no room for disease. in other words the weakness of that particular human being is found out , and strengthened.so this raises the important question as to how the health of a human being can be assesed objectively (as far as possible).this is in contrast to a medical treatment whose primary objective is merely to remove the distressing disease . 3. the third and important continuing point is that , this enhancement of the persons health is done with special regard to each persons reaction to stress ,both internal as well as external. in the sense we like to know in homeopathy , what is the stress and how is this person reacting to it. and then we tailor our medicine in accordance to this reaction to stress. aiming to strengthen the reaction.This is called Individualisation. THIS CAN BE CONSIDERED AS THE LITMUS TEST TO KNOW WHETHER WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS IN ACCORDANCE TO THE BASIC AND ESSENTIAL PRINCIPLES OF HOMEOPATHY. 4. the tool that we use to apply the three points that we have mentined so far is called THE LAW OF SIMILARS , When this law is used in obedience to the above said three principles -then we will be practising Homeopathy as intended by the founder SAMUEL HAHNEMANN.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:12:10 +0000

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