HOPE YOU ALL HAD A FABULOUS CHRISTMAS - I had the most wonderful - TopicsExpress


HOPE YOU ALL HAD A FABULOUS CHRISTMAS - I had the most wonderful foodie Christmas and so am feeling a little bit over indulged just at the moment. So I made one of my favourite salads - spelt, black bean and rocket ........ thinking of a New year full of wonderful greens and good stuff. ingredients for 4 200g dried weight spelt, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon veg oil, 1 tablespoon wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon English mustard, 1 teaspoon dried sage, 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 1 ripe avocado, 300g drained tin cooked black beans, 4 handfuls of rocket. SIMPLY 1) bring a pan of salted water tot he boil, add the spelt and simmer for 20 minutes until just tender, drain well and leave to go completely cold. This can be done a day ahead - store drained in the fridge. 2) Mix the oils, vinegar, mustard, sage, cumin together and season well with salt/pepper. Peel and chop the avocado and add to the dressing. This can be done up to 4 hours ahead. 3) Drain and rinse the black beans and stir into the dressing. just before serving add the spelt and rocket to the salad. PERFECT for lunch dish or a side to lean grilled chicken or fish - Happy and healthy New Year to you all find BLACK BEANS in the Caribbean section of your supermarket MORE RECIPES FOR A DELICIOUS NEW YEAR get out your copy of Lucys food - Lucys food - available on Amazon New book Lucys bakes finally put to bed on 23rd December and coming April 2015 - woohoo
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:22:12 +0000

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