HOW DO YOU INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH AND WELLBEING? Investing in the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family is one of the most important foundations in life. Most people dont give a thought to paying insurance or servicing their car but servicing the body can be one of the most beneficial things you could easily do. Lets help each other out with some simple tips...Heres mine... 1. Get juicing (fruit/vegies/herbs). There are compounds in whole living foods that cant be replicated in a vitamin tablet. 2. Make a green smoothie. If you dont have a blender, Boost Juice now have a range of green smoothies to try. Youll find kids love them. 3. Buy organic where possible especially dairy such as milk, yoghurt, butter and meat. This supports good animal husbandry and the benefits to you are no antibiotic/growth hormone residue. Look out for when these things are on special such as butter and meat which can be put in the freezer for later use. 4. Grow some of your own food. Simple things such as herbs or lettuce, snowpeas and tomatoes are easy to grow and kids love to help pick them. 5. Make small changes towards healthier choices. Simple things such as buying wholemeal over white refined bread or baking biscuits from scratch at home. This can reduce the sugar content along with using alternative flours and better quality fats such as butter or coconut oil instead of hydrogenated oils which are inflammatory. 6. Read labels. Educate yourself and others. Install the Chemical Maze App chemicalmaze/on your phone to make reading labels easier at the supermarket. 7.Take the time to nourish yourself and get adequate rest. Eating nourishing food, walking, getting out into nature, gardening, yoga and a monthly massage help keep me in check. A 6am walk before the kids get up gets me in a balanced headspace for the day (it is often the only quite, peaceful time in the day aside from when my head hits the pillow at night!) 8. Plant the seed in others by leading by example and sharing meals, excess food. 9. Make the time to truly connect with others and spend time with those that you love and that you resonate with. 10.Tick off that bucket list. Life is fleeting but can be rich with experiences.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 22:28:23 +0000

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