HOW I BECAME A MARINE... THE UNTOLD STORY It all began one - TopicsExpress


HOW I BECAME A MARINE... THE UNTOLD STORY It all began one November morning, much like today, I was laying on the couch in the basement... I had just finished my fourth nap of the day. Mom and dad came downstairs, which they never did, they both stood in front of me. Dad began by saying that down at the recruiters office, if we hurried, they had free tickets to the Bears and Packers game this weekend. Wow, free tickets... So I put my shoes on and said lets go!! Dad went in first and had me wait in the hallway, then it was my turn... The nice guy in uniform had me sign some papers, which I did, not a problem for free tickets to the Bears game. I asked why so many papers needed signed, insurance purposes, he replied... Next thing I know Im in a van heading for Des Moines, Iowa. I thought, must be something to do with connecting flights to Chicago, not a problem, cool. They gave me a physical and had me take a oath. Didnt think much of it, probably something to do with insurance and to make sure I was loyal to the Bears. We get off the plane and all of a sudden these big guys in uniform start screaming and yelling at us, we must be late I thought, they kept telling us to move it and get in the bus. So I get on the bus and they make everyone put their heads down and look at the floor.... Must be some kind of surprise I thought. About an hour later they start yelling again, get off the bus and stand on those yellow footprints. They take us into a building and in single file lines, against the wall... next they put me in a chair and in seconds they shaved my head. By now Im thinking something isnt right. Next, they hand out tree uniforms. I try to explain that I think I got on the wrong bus, Im going to the Bears game not the free hunting trip.... Before I know it three pissed off hunters are in my face screaming at me to shut up and stop eye f*cking them. And thats how I became a Marine.... Mom and Dad pulled one heck of a prank on me.... Lol
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 18:59:18 +0000

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