HOW TO AVOID FIGHTING IN A RELATIONSHIP. 1.DONT BRING UP THE PAST This is a huge step that I need to learn. I would say, one of the key ways to stop fighting in a relationship is to stop bringing up the past. The past is the past and the more that you bring it up, the worse the fight can actually be. Bringing up the past can also bring up a lot of old emotions, which is never good. 2. DONT LEAVE THINGS UNRESOLVED I know its hard and youve probably heard it before, but going to bed angry is not going to solve anything. This can leave you both feeling extremely resentful and actually can make the fight last a lot longer. Why not resolve the fight before bed or at least talk it all out, so that you both can feel better? 3. LEARN TO ACCEPT EACH OTHER Everyone in the world has flaws, some of the flaws are things that youve got to deal with, some of the flaws are things that you need to accept. This is where accepting each other for who you are comes in handy. Your boyfriend might never be the guy that brings home flowers and your girlfriend may never be the girl that cant stop nagging, but these are things that you need to learn to accept. 4. FIGURE OUT THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM Every fight in the world has a root at the end of it. Once you figure out exactly what the root of the problem is, youll be able to solve the problem and also solve the fight. Its not going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it. 5. OWN UP TO YOUR PART OF THE FIGHT One of the biggest problems that I have when Im in a fight is that I get into my own head space – and I dont necessarily own up to my own part of the fight. Its hard to admit that you are wrong and to take the blame. Do it though. Its healthy and itll make your partner appreciate you! 6. BAN THE BUT But if you did this, but if you did that, eliminate the but from your vocab when you are in a fight and youll be way better off! I use the but all of the time and truthfully, when I cut it out, the fight doesnt last nearly as long. Just curb your tongue a little! 7. IS THIS A REPEAT PERFORMANCE? I know that issues come up, but do you constantly have the same fight? Over and over again? Do you think that could be a sign? If you are constantly having a fight that revolves around a certain thing that your spouse does, why not bring it up to them calmly to stop the fight? 8. REMEMBER WHATS IMPORTANT Finally, you always want to keep in mind that your relationship is very important and that you two are together for a reason. Its hard to keep that in mind when you are fighting, but its so important. So, are you constantly fighting in your relationship?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 21:00:26 +0000

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