HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN LUCK. - Drake Baer LUCK--IN BUSINESS AND IN LIFE--ISNT ALWAYS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOU, ITS ALSO SOMETHING YOU CAN FIND AND HELP CREATE. Psychologist Richard Wiseman studies luck. Over a decade, he followed the lives of 400 subjects across professions who described themselves as lucky or unlucky. McRaney, again, provides a synopsis: In one study, he asked subjects to look through a newspaper and count the number of photographs inside. The people who labeled themselves as generally unlucky took about two minutes to complete the task. The people who considered themselves as generally lucky took an average of a few seconds. Wiseman had placed a block of text printed in giant, bold letters on the second page of the newspaper that read, “Stop counting. There are 43 photographs in this newspaper.” Deeper inside, he placed a second block of text just as big that read, “Stop counting, tell the experimenter you have seen this and win $250.” The people who believed they were unlucky usually missed both. So luck--in business and in life--isnt something that happens to you, its something that you look out for, and in looking out for it, participate in the creation of. Prof. Richard Weisman: For thousands of years weve had very superstitious thoughts about luck, but the reality is, your thoughts create the luck in your life How so? Its your patterns of behavior--the actions and reactions you have with the events and people you interact with in life. Luck isnt magical, Wiseman tells Skeptical Inquirer magazine, its rational: you can, with reason, better work with the weird, opaque, endlessly multifaceted probabilities that life presents us. Wiseman, thankfully, has supplied us a cheatsheet for having a more productive relationship with chance. According to his research: 1- Lucky people maximize chance opportunities: They create, notice, and act on opportunities--like by meeting lots of people and being open to new experiences. 2- They listen to their hunches: And practices like meditation allow them to clear their mind of thoughts and act more quickly. 3- They expect good fortune: Anxiety precludes you from seeing possibilities, a calm optimism allows you to spot them. And allow us to add a fourth: Theyre resilient. The more funding you have, the more runway the startup has to pivot from. The more youre determined thats its going to work, the longer youll stick around until it does work. Grit predicts success. That success is born of courting serendipity.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 10:35:51 +0000

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