HOW TO CURE A STINKY VAGINA One of the worst things a man can say - TopicsExpress


HOW TO CURE A STINKY VAGINA One of the worst things a man can say to his girlfriend is that she has a stinky pussy. Women flip out when this topic is brought up, and I don’t get why it’s such a touchy subject. Why are women so sensitive about their pussies? Granted, a stinky pussy is one of the most depressing things in this life, and to smell the filth on your finger is almost enough of a reason to chop it off. Women are beautiful and their pussies are supposed to be delicious, tasteful, and capable of turning your whole life around. When a dude comes across a stinky vagina, it’s the same feeling of being at your best friend’s funeral. As much as my ex-girlfriend turned out to be a dud, her pussy was perfect and that’s how a pussy should be—flawless. My balls may smell and taste like sour milk, but so help me God if a girl has a stinky pussy she’s garbage and needs to sleep on the floor. Did you know a woman can smell her own stinky vagina when opening her legs? I do, because I just Googled, “What causes a stinky pussy?” Here are the results: 1. Vaginal discharge. 2. Poor hygiene. 3. Vaginal infection (yeast infection, Chlamydia, etc.) 4. Foreign body in the vagina (condoms, tampons, etc.) Ways to cure a stinky pussy: applying yogurt (no sugar) and drinking cranberry juice. At this point you are probably thinking the same thing I am: “If a woman can’t maintain her own pussy, is she really ready for a relationship?” Granted, this same thing can be said about dudes and premature ejaculation, but this is about chicks, so let’s stay focused. If your chick has a stinky pussy, you can’t just come out with it because a woman can’t handle negative feedback. You have to dance around it. I suggest writing it in a poem format with flowers. As seen here: “Baby, my life without you would be unbearable, but pumpkin, your pussy smells terrible. I don’t know what it would be like to lick the inside of a dead cat, yet strangely enough, it’s exactly where we’ve arrived at. I’m not asking for you to leave me, I’m not like a doctor with any kind of degree, but I know a stinky pussy, for a relationship, isn’t healthy. Together, we can beat this, and one day soon I’ll be able to give your sweet pussy a French kiss. But here tonight, I’d rather take my own life, with a knife, or even a spoon, because it would hurt more and take my mind off the fact your pussy smells like maggots in bloom. Never forget: I love you, boo, from the first day I met you, your pussy has been something for me to look up to, dip into, fall into, head over heels. Let’s cure the stink together, tonight, baby, make no maybe about it, this shit is long overdue.” Something like that. Make her feel loved. A pussy is a very foul, demon-like hole, that needs constant attention or bad things will happen. any issue contact me on whatsapp number: 00233-236465597
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:17:36 +0000

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