HOW TO HANDLE THEM BOLDLY TO FEW SITUATIONS WHICH MAY TEMPT ONE TO COMMIT SUICIDE ( to be continued ) PROBLEM - 1 I m very much depressed & not at all interested in living any more . All my dreams r shattered . I wanted t marry a person t whom I have given my whole heart , but it is my fate that it is not going t happen . SOLUTION Birth , death & marriage ; these r the things decided by providence & we have no hand in them . God has already decided t whom you r going t get married . He is all-knowing & knows who is a suitable partner in your life . In spite of all your efforts if you fail in your love affairs , take it in a positive way that God is not willing t accept this proposal . Out of your temporary attachment you may feel depressed but in the long run you will realise that it was for your own good that you did not marry that person . Our vision is limited & can not see even a few steps ahead . But The Lord knows everything . If you had got married t the person of your choice , there might have arisen some serious complications after marriage which would have caused more sufferings t you . Love marriages r therefore not always successful . Secondly , how selfish you r ! You r only thinking of your enjoyment , your success , your desires , your marriage . What about your parents ? You want t commit suicide without giving a single thought t them who have given you birth & brought you up with all love & affection . Is it not your duty t serve them & look after them in their old age ? If you commit suicide how much suffering you will b causing t them ! They may not b able t bear your separation & their grief - stricken heart may collapse any day . Have you thought about it ? ( Excerpts from the book Youth! Arise Awake & know your Strength published by Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence , RAMAKRISHNA MATH , Hyderabad ) Good Afternoon friends & may U always b blessed .. JAI JAGANNATH
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 08:56:32 +0000

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