HRE WIFE TAKES JOBLESS, PUNKY STYLE LOVING HUSBAND WHO SPENDS ENDLESS TIME ON MAKE UP TO COURT A Harare woman yesterday yanked her jobless husband to court for spending money on skin lightening creams and Mohawk hair styles. Nomatter Chigodora applied for a protection order against her husband Stanley Mushatu. She told the court that she is embarrassed by her husband who is in his late 30s and behaves like a teenager and ghetto “Look at the Mohawk that he is spotting, this is his favourite hairstyle. He is not employed and we survive on part time jobs but when he gets money he spends it buying Epidem cream and beer,” said Chigodora. “He leaves me and the baby without food and if I try to caution him he beats me up. I guess he just doesn’t want to grow up but we have children together.” Chigodora added that her husband is pressuring her to sell their residential stand so that they can start a business. The court heard that Mushatu’s relatives gang up against Chigodora whenever she reports the domestic violence to the police. “He also threatens to kill me, I am now scared of him,” she said. Mushatu, who was dressed like a youth, told the court that he is not happy. He added that his wife is disrespectful and did not listen to what he says making him feel like he is not the head of the house. “It surprises me that when we moved to our stand she is well known in this area and it makes me insecure. I am not employed and most of the time my friend takes me for beer drinking, when I get home drunk she becomes angry,” he said. Magistrate Ms Olivia Mariga ordered Mushatu to observe Chigodora’s peace.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 11:02:31 +0000

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