HUMANIDAD Hunger Strike - International Week of Actions Human - TopicsExpress


HUMANIDAD Hunger Strike - International Week of Actions Human Treatment of Refugee Children and Stop Deportations ... No matter how many walls we build and how many people we deport, if migration is not treated from it’s roots, we will continue to witness masses of children, women and men, taking a chance to follow the “American Dream.” Poverty, war, extreme violence, drug cartels, lack of opportunities, and exploitation will keep expelling migrants and refugees from their homelands. Therefore, people on the move will continue choosing the best alternative in the Americas, “The Land of the Free.” While we figure what to do to fix our broken immigration system and find ways to prevent massive migrations, we must treat immigrants and refugees with respect and understanding. USA has the moral obligation to respond with honesty, put a human face to this issue, and stop politicizing a human need and a human right, the right to migrate. In August, from Saturday the 9th to Saturday the15th, organizations and pro-immigrant groups across the Americas are holding a week of actions in support of thousands of refugee children arriving to the US, pray for thousands of migrants risking their lives crossing multiple borders, and will be demanding local and national authorities to stop unfair treatment of migrants and stop the unjust deportations. This is an urgent call to organizations, community groups, religious leaders, community leaders, and all people of social conscience and good will, to participate in a week of actions in your local communities and build an international chain of resistance against unfair and inhumane treatment of refugee children, migrants on the move, and to demand an immediate halt on unjust deportations. Please, join the struggle and endorse the cause! To send the list of your actions and contact information please contact: Roberto Corona - (214)768-7487 - [email protected] Irineo Mujica - (214) 886-2099 - arzair25@msm Ideas and Recommended Actions Hunger Strikes: Make sure you take precautions and have a doctor monitoring the participants. Drink plenty of water. Prayer Vigils:Contact your local religious leader, faith community, friends, and family. Make it inclusive and try to involve as much people as possible in the service, make copies of materials, use common prayers and popular religious practices according to the population attending, use candles and religious images if proper, use spiritual rituals and make a peaceful environment. Rallies: Invite community and religious leaders to speak, make sure you have people affected by the issue sharing their story, make sure you have a working sound system, and have musicians if possible. Marches: Make sure is a peaceful event and take necessary precautions. Respect traffic and local laws. Avoid confrontations with opposition. Religious Services: Ask your local religious leaders to help and make sure they are educated on the issue. Movie Screenings: Have a film related to the issue play at a community center, church, or proper venue. Have a guided discussion at the end. Cultural Nights:Make sure the themes are proper, get local artists to participate, have talent shows, and try to involve all kinds of art expressions. Conferences: Involved knowledgeable individuals. Do not make it too long. Make sure there is discussion afterwards. Round Tables: Keep track of time and create space for dialogue. Community Forums: Make sure the community has enough time for questions. Story Telling: Have people affected by the issue to tell their story. Be sensible and respectful. Make sure they are fine after sharing. Have a person qualify to treat emotional conflicts if possible. Mural Paintings: Involved the community, specially kids and elders. Art Exhibitions: Make sure they represent the right subject. Direct Actions: Take legal, and necessary precautions. Make sure it does not get out of control. Places: Community Centers, Churches, Detention Centers, Parks, Local Law Enforcement Agencies, and I.C.E. Offices Make sure you involve local, national, international, and social media in all your events. _______________________________________________ Huelga de Hambre - Semana internacional de Acciones Trato Humano a los Niños Refugiados y Alto a las deportaciones No importa cuantas paredes construyamos o cuanta gente deportemos, si la migración no es tratada desde sus raíces, continuaremos presenciando masas de niños, mujeres y hombres. tratando de conseguir el Sueño Americano.” La pobreza, la guerra, la violencia extrema, el tráfico de drogas, la falta de oportunidades, la pobreza y la explotación seguirán expulsando migrantes y refugiados de su propia tierra. Como consecuencia, seguirán escogiendo así la mejor alternativa en las Américas, La Tierra de la Libertad.” Mientras aquí estamos viendo qué hacer para resolver nuestro caduco sistema de inmigración y seguimos tratando de encontrar maneras de prevenir migraciones masivas, debemos de dar un trato de respeto y comprensión a los migrantes y refugiados. Estados Unidos tiene la obligación moral de responder con honestidad, poner un rostro humano a este asunto, y dejar de politizar una necesidad y un derecho humano como es el de emigrar. Del día sábado 9 al día sabado15 de agosto, organizaciones y grupos pro inmigrantes a través de las Américas, tendrán acciones de apoyo a los miles de niños refugiados que han llegado los Estados Unidos, se harán oraciones por miles migrantes que arriesgan sus vidas cruzando múltiples fronteras y se demandará a las autoridades locales y nacionales por un alto al trato injusto a los migrantes y un alto a las injustas deportaciones. Esta es una llamada urgente a las organizaciones y grupos comunitarios, a los líderes eclesiásticos, lideres de la comunidad y toda la gente de consciencia y de buena fe, para participar juntos en una semana de acciones en sus comunidades locales y construir una cadena de resistencia internacional en contra el trato injusto e inhumano hacia el migrante y demandar un alto inmediato a las deportaciones injustas. Por favor unámonos en esta lucha y apoye la causa! Para enviar el nombre de su organización o grupo, lista acciones y su información, por favor contacte a: Roberto Corona - (214) 768-7487 - [email protected] Irineo Mujica (214) 886-2099 - arzair25@msm
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:14:58 +0000

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