HVent session: As a professional nurse I am appalled at all of - TopicsExpress


HVent session: As a professional nurse I am appalled at all of the negative comments regarding the transport of two Americans infected with Ebola back to America to a facility that specializes in infectious disease and the fear of an out break. This brings me back to the days of AIDS and how gay men were stigmatized and people would not care for them. All of the fears are do to the lack of education. The person you stand next to at any line in any place will be a person who will infect you. Jumping in the water in a river can infect you. Eating can infect you. When I went into the nursing profession I did not pick or choose who or what I would care for. I will take care of anyone. I would go on the transport of these two Ebola infected individuals and bring them back. Africa is not equipped with the technology that we have here in America. I know fear is usually a reaction to lack of education I have been in the trenches for 30 years and would never turn my back on any sick individual. Some of the speculation that I have read is appalling. If these two individuals were your family you would be screaming to the government to do something about it. I hope we can learn from all of this and be respectful of these two individuals. The US government has every known virus and bacteria that is in existence in USAMARID including Ebola and there has never been and outbreak, even when Ebola infected monkeys arrived in the 90s. I wish these two individuals well and a speedy recovery and hope that we can seek answers from the blood of these individuals and looked towards a cure. HIV came from the green monkey in Africa and history shows as early as the 1950s Ebola was in existence Kalaupapa is an example of lack of education on a disease process!!!! Think about it!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:43:54 +0000

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