Had a crazy dream last night that was a continuation of a dream - TopicsExpress


Had a crazy dream last night that was a continuation of a dream that I had two nights ago! I dont think thats ever happened to me before. Dream #1: I am in college and walking by campus during the evening when I see an old homeless woman on the street. As I get closer I see that shes not a beggar, but a street vendor. Instead of selling jewelry or art, shes selling computers. She says shes got one left and I can have it real cheap. Its a tower for a desktop PC and I take a sec to quickly open up the floppy (!!!) disk drive to see if I can tell if there are actually guts inside the computer. I see there are and I feel bad for this old lady who is going to have to lug this computer home if I dont buy it. So I ask her how much she wants for it, and she says $200. I offer her $175 and we agree on $180. I feel very proud of myself for successfully bartering. Then I wake up. Dream #2: I get the computer back to my dorm room and as I am getting it out of the protective packaging, I notice how light it is. When I finally get the computer out of the box, I see that its just an empty shell with no hardware inside at all! They had put in a fake floppy disk drive and because it was dark outside when I bought it, I didnt notice. I run back to confront the old woman. I last saw her walking away past the Boston University Chapel, which looks more like a Gothic cathedral in my dream. I get to the Chapel and see the woman just as she sees me. She flees into the subway station and I give chase. When I get down there I see her get on the train and I follow. As I chase the woman down the length of the train, I start to notice the passengers. Their clothes are becoming more and more old fashioned with each train car I pass through. When I get to the train car where everyone is in Victorian attire, it hits me. This is no ordinary train. This train has not left the station even though I have been running for a while. This train is never going to leave this station. Instead of it traveling forward to its next destination, you travel backward (or forward) in time by going through the train cars! It becomes apparent to me that it is going to be futile to try to find this woman. Not only could she be anywhere, she could be any time! Still in the Victorian car, I turn around to walk back to my present day time when two ladies stop me. Theyre sitting at a table in the train car having tea and doing a crossword puzzle (note to self: find out when crossword puzzles were invented and see if this is anachronistic). They ask me if I know another word for Gotham (as in Batman; not the font). I say that I dont and turn to walk away. Just as I do, one of the ladies lets out a huge laugh and she starts chanting, Bohannon, bohannon, bohannon... I wake up with this song in my head...
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:33:24 +0000

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