Hahaha... I have seen folks (non-law enforcement) posting this - TopicsExpress


Hahaha... I have seen folks (non-law enforcement) posting this and saying how great it is... Here is my take-- it is a great concept and it is a good community oriented policing tactic. Here is my problem. I already took an oath to do whats right to the best of my abilities. Am I always perfect! Probably not. I do my best to be fair and just and at times even show mercy... And the biggest problem is NO ONE likes the popos!!! We are always the bad guys! We enforce laws, arrest folks, and write tickets... I consider my self to be an officer that treats people right. I pride my self in how I show respect to victims and criminals alike! But no matter how hard I try to do the right thing I still have complaints falsely filed against me, I still have lies told about me, I still get cussed at frequently, I have still had people try to kill me, had folks fight me. Are there some bad cops out there? Sure! And they need to be held accountable, but those cops are fewer than you think. Most of us are just trying to serve our community, make it a better place to raise our own kids, make sure we make it home to them every night, and make a living. When some one does wrong and gets arrested they dont usually say oh u got me this time they usually lie and try to say they didnt do it or blame me for arresting them! Most of our prisons and jails are filled will folks who still say they are innocent!!! In Romans 13:4 it tells us Gods take on cops.. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. It is a lonely position to be in, but someone has to do it. No body likes us till they need us! So in regards to this pledge... I already have made a pledge and taken an oath and I do my best to keep to it. I do this knowing that even if I stick to it perfectly most people will still not like me!
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 00:17:50 +0000

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