Handy Hints with Ken Sauce 1.If you get letters, brochures or - TopicsExpress


Handy Hints with Ken Sauce 1.If you get letters, brochures or cards in thick envelopes, don’t throw them away. Using a paper cutter, gently open the sealed edges. Turn the envelope inside out and stick the edges again, and you have a fresh envelope which can be used again. This is economical, and also one way of recycling paper. 2.To remove a wrongly stuck cellotape, place a wet cloth over that part of the paper and then run a hot iron over it. The cellotape will come off easily. If the paper is found to be sticky afterwards, dust talcum powder over it. This removal can be done without tearing the paper. 3.If you spread aluminium foil between the padding and cover of your ironing board, the job will be done much faster. The foil gets hot while you iron, and reflects further heat through the cover. 4.To protect fancy or heat sensitive buttons while ironing, cover them with a spoon. 5.Blend one cup of soft butter with one cup of flour. Spread the butter in an ice cube tray, and refrigerate. After a couple of hours, cut into 16 cubes and store these in a plastic bag in the freezer. For instant sauce, drop one cube into one cup of milk and heat slowly, stirring as it thickens. Use whenever required. 6.Cucumbers will remain firm and fresh for over a week if stored in the freezer in a closed aluminium container. 7.Apply any oil periodically on curtain rods and curtain hooks. They won’t rust and they will slide more easily too. 8.While taking your tiny tots with you on a shopping spree, do not forget to pin your address on a tag on their clothes. This will help if they get lost in the crowd. 9.While dusting or cleaning dab lime juice on your face it prevents the pores from getting clogged with dirt. Late wash your face. 10.A torn pair of old jeans can be used for making a pretty duchess set for your dressing table. Cut three oval shaped pieces from a worn out pair of jeans. Trace and floral design on them and colour with fabric paints. Put a delicate lace around it, and your duchess lace around it, and your duchess set is ready. 11.To give indoor plants a glossy look, add a few drops of cooking oil to a cup of water and sprinkle it on the leaves. The wipe them with a sponge. 12.To add length to short-stemmed flowers, slip stems into drinking straws before placing them in a vase. 13.To prevent scratches on your fine china plates, insert paper plates or napkins between plates before you stack them. 14.After cooking, clean your cooking vessels immediately, while they still hot. This helps you to remove stubborn stains and burn marks with lesser soap and scrubbing, than required otherwise. 15.Indoor plants in decorative pots make an ideal gift. Depending upon one’s budget and the occasion, one can go in for expensive cactus, or the other less costly varieties. If you are artistic, you can try your hand at drawing some lovely strokes on the flowerpot. 16.Cracked heels can be cured easily. Keep your feet in warm water. Rub the heels with used lemon peels. Dry. Apply glycerine mixed with rose water. See the difference within a week. Lemon peels can also be used for cleaning nails. 17.Rub you brass articles, such as flower pots, vases, ashtrays or door knobs, with used lemon peels. They sparkle as new. 18.Juice of one lemon rubbed into the scalp acts as a very good conditioner. Rub the scalp with lemon and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before shampooing your hair. 19.To remove bad smell from shoes that have been worn all day, keep a small limp of camphor in each side at night. The odour will disappear by morning. 20.Children often come home from school with chewing gum stuck to their hair. Don’t pry it off with your with your fingers – it is messy and painful. Dip a little ball of cotton in coconut oil and rub the chewing gum with it. It will come off easily. 21.To remove a thorn or a pin embedded in your skin, apply glue to the area and allow it o dry. Later, peel the layer of adhesive off. The thorn or pin will come out easily, with no painful squeezing required. 22.The sting from red ants can be relieved by applying a solution of table salt and warm water. 23.Drive nails into wood more easily by rubbing paraffin wax on nails. This also helps to prevent rust. 24.Eyebrow pencils can be sharpened more easily if left overnight in the refrigerator to harden. 25.Freeze ginger after scraping and washing it. Grate the amount required. It’s less messy and keeps longer. 26.While ironing blouse with fancy and chunky buttons on the front, to get a neater finish on the back, push a long note book, through the ‘blouse’ just over the buttons and iron lightly. 27.Blowing up small balloons can be tough. Here’s an easy way out. Take a short, stiff plastic tube. Pull the balloon opening over one end and blow through the other.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 08:00:01 +0000

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