Hanna So the other day I was walking - TopicsExpress


Hanna So the other day I was walking through the electronics department at wal-Mart with my family, thinking to myself maybe I can find my next movie to review in the $5 dvd section. I started looking at the movies which had been picked over a bit and saw a few movies I remember being decent. I grabbed Contagion but didn’t really want to review that, then I saw Hanna. I remembered really enjoying this movie when I rented it from Netflix a few years back…and it has Eric Bana in it and he’s a certified BAD-ASS. So I excitedly picked the movie up and showed Sarah, and told her how cool I remembered it being. We bought it and the next night we watched it. This was not exactly what I remembered. It wasn’t as cool as my memories lead me to believe I thought it was. I’m not sure if my tastes have changed or if it’s a case of the past always looking brighter than the present but this was just not the same movie. The only constant is Eric Bana was still a BAD-ASS! Now I’m not saying I hated the movie, I actually still liked it just not as much as I thought I was going to. It is still a really cool premise to make a movie about but it falls short of its potential. The movie starts out quick with young Hanna (Saoirse Ronan) in training with her former CIA agent father (Eric Bana) in the snowy wilderness. She is brutal, skilled, and emotionless in what she does. This is where the movie gets you thinking that it can be something great because the opening scenes make you think she is being trained for something much cooler than what ends up happening later in the movie. Hanna is show to have excellent marksmanship, agility, intellect and briefly expansive repertoire of languages….again making you think this movie is going to be way awesome. In the first 15 minutes of the movie Hanna’s father comes back on the grid and alerts the CIA of their whereabouts as part of his mast plan to get to Marissa Wiegler (Cate Blanchett). Hanna is taken by a team of stealth operatives to a remote facility which leads to probably the best 20 minutes of the movie. After this there is a lot of running, talking, and a little bit of fighting. The tension never really builds enough to make you feel Hanna is threatened as you should in a movie like this. Secrets are revealed about the past that change everything blah blah blah, the second half of this movie is extremely formulaic and very predictable if you watch a lot of action/espionage movies. I was very disappointed with Cate Blanchett in this movie, we all know she can act (Babel, The LOTR movies, the Avaitor, etc..) but she was not good in this movie and her part was not well written (bad combination). This was a big problem for the movie seeing ash she is one of the 3 people on screen the most. Overall I would say this is an ok rental but nothing special in any area that you can’t miss I give Hanna 6 teenage assassins out of 10. . MJB
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:47:25 +0000

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