Hanzi hee Mwari vanoti ask and it will be given to you, seek and - TopicsExpress


Hanzi hee Mwari vanoti ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you... Batisisa apa Prayer is not a dump-and-run proposition or to mistaken God for a cosmic wish-granter kana kufunga kuti Mwari ndiFather-Christmas Manje kana une mifungo yakadaro then you are in for a rude awakening. Hati chada vatendi who just lay everything on God and then sit around and wait for him to do what we ask. Dambudziko revamwe vatendi nderekuti havana holistic approach kushoko raMwri, vanongotora kachidimbu keshoko kavanoda kuti kapinde musituation yavo or rinovatekenyedza. Ukadzika nendima iyoyo pana Matthew 7vs12, ndopane GOLDEN RULE zve. Pese Mwari pavano kuvimbisa, vanotarisira kuti uitewo chikamu chako. Chinzwa zvinotaurwa na2 Chronicles 7vs14 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land. Mutendi kana uchida kuona ruoko rwaMwari pamusoro pehupenyu hwako pane icho chauri kunamatira ndiri kudakuti unzwisise chinhu ichi muzuva ranhasi you have got also a responsibiliy in the process(munyaya yekupindurwa kwemunamato wako) This passage makes it very clear that God responds to humility, real remorse and a genuine commitment to turn away from sin that trips us up. Mutendi do you have that kind of remorse and commitment? Fungisisa pamusoro pemashoko aya humble, pray, turn, and their implications on your life. Takuda minamato inounza real and genuine transformation in life. Takuda maliving testimonies, kwete zvapupu zvekungo chema chete. Mwari wandinonamata mupenyu anogara nekusinga peri, anosvinurira shoko rake kusvika rava nezvibereko zvinobatika.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:00:00 +0000

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