Happy Anniversary Travis! Our first anniversary was something - TopicsExpress


Happy Anniversary Travis! Our first anniversary was something we both thought was going to be a day and evening full of fun. It turned out that I spent the day taking care of Travis. From 6 am this morning he has been throwing up and in bed snuggled in the blankets. I’ve been up taking care of him all day; from going to the store for various medicines to bringing him ice chips and everything in between. This day made me reflect deeply on our first year as an official couple. We’d known each other for at least three years, seeing one and talking to one another at a mutual friend/family members parties. Then last October, both now single, we began talking and decided that we have a TON in common. We began going on dates and hanging out. We acted like a couple for the whole month of November and the day after Thanksgiving last year we decided we already acted the part, so we may as well make it official. Today, I could not be more happy or more in love with a person. I know every person says this at some point about their significant other in just about every relationship. But, I can honestly say that through my life experiences and through every other relationship I did NOT know what love was until I met him. I give my all. There’s no amount of money I won’t spend, there’s no amount of miles I won’t drive, there’s no amount of time or sacrifice I am not willing to give to this man. The key to real love, I have discovered is that your partner has to be willing to do it equally. Not because it’s expected. Not because it’s what you feel like you have to do. Both people have to want to give it 100% for it to work. We have both been through car accidents, hospital trips, grueling school finals, job hunts, family and friend drama, and all the while lifting each other up no matter what the cost. Neither one of us has had a relationship were our partners only lifted us up, refusing at any point to put us down or make us feel like to some extent we didn’t make par and meet with some expectation level. We both accepted one another entirely. I love this man. He has proved to me that not all guys will be the same. He showed me there are men out there that have eyes only for the woman they love. He shows me that I am worthy to be loved, cherished, and yes, spoiled. This may sound dramatic, but in many ways he has also been my savior. I prayed to God every night for months after my previous. I prayed that he would send me someone that would show me I am worth loving. He answered by placing the best possible man in my life. I have never been happier. Through the stress of this year and the previous, I am still the happiest woman in the world. He makes me smile everyday. We are the same soul inhabiting two different bodies. He’s my other half and together we make each other strong enough to take on this crazy world. I love you with all of my heart Travis Flinchum. I’m proud to stand beside. You are my hero.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:14:35 +0000

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