Happy Birthday Hinata Part 2 As Hinata walked down the steps of - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday Hinata Part 2 As Hinata walked down the steps of the cemetery she all of a sudden heard a very familiar voice scream her name. Naruto: There you are Hinata I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Hinata: Naruto-Kun! It was the boy that Hinata was in love with it was the Leaf Villages #1 Hyper Active Knuckle Headed Ninja Naruto Uzumaki. Hinata face began to turn red when she saw him running over to as if he was riding on the wings of the winds. When he finally got up to her before he could talk he had to put his hands on his knees and bend over slightly and catch his breath. Hinata: Are you alright Naruto-Kun do you need to lay down? Naruto: Don’t worry just give me a minute to catch my breath. Just as the young man said he waited a couple seconds and took some deep breaths. After that he stood up properly and looked at his Team mate with a slightly annoyed look on his face. Naruto: I swear I’ve been looking all over the village for you. I was beginning to think that I wasn’t going to find you! Hinata: I’m sorry Naruto-Kun I don’t mean to be a bother, but I guess it’s only natural for me. Hinatas head began to hang low and prevented her from looking Naruto in the eyes. As soon as Naruto saw her reaction to his words he suddenly realized the stupidity in the words he chose to say and the tone he said them in. Naruto: What are you talking about? It’s not like that at all when I was talking about how I couldn’t find you I was impressed! Hinata: What do you mean? Naruto: I mean were Ninja’s after all and wasn’t one of the first things Kakashi Sensei taught us was that ninja’s needed to know how to conceal their movements and hide effectively? Hinata raised her head and looked at Naruto as he smiled his big goofy grins with his hands behind his head. Hinata: Oh yeah, you’re right. Naruto: That’s what I’m saying if I’m not careful you’re going to get ahead of me! When she heard this she couldn’t help but giggle which was the first time she laughed today. As she did this a faint blush appeared of the boys cheeks. Hinata: So why were you looking all over the village for me in the first place Naruto-Kun? However Hinata questions fell on deaf ears because Naruto seemed to be in a daze as he was looking at his team mate. So much so that Hinata had to shake him a little to bring him back to reality. Hinata: Naruto-Kun please snap out of it you’re scaring me! The lights in Naruto’s head finally popped back on. Naruto: I’m sorry about that I guess I’m more tired than I thought. What were you saying? Hinata: I asked why you’ve been looking for me. Naruto: That’s right! Hey Hinata you don’t have any plans for today do you? As she heard his question this time it was Hinata turn to go into a dazed state as she began to think that the boy she loved didn’t even remember that it’s her birthday today. But she quickly snapped out of it and replied to Naruto. Hinata: I did have plans but I just took care of them. Do you need anything? Naruto: yes, I have a favor I wanted to ask you. Hinata: What favor? Naruto began to scratch his head in embarrassment. Naruto: Well you see I wanted to try and clean my apartment a little today, but I think I’m going to need some back up for this one. Hinata: Oh, I see. Naruto: So what do you say could you give me a hand? Hinata looked at him as he placed his palms together and was practically begging her for help. As she looked at the scene playing out in front of her eyes she couldn’t but think about how cute Naruto is. Hinata: I’d love to help you clean Naruto-Kun! Naruto: Really? All right then let’s get going Hinata! He grabbed Hinata’s hand and they began to run towards his apartment. While they were running Hinata mind was running as well with thoughts that is. Hinata: I guess it’s alright if he didn’t remember. I mean poor Naruto-Kun never had any parents to begin with so he probably never wanted to celebrate his own birthday because he didn’t want to be reminded of his loneliness. I could never be so selfish to ask him to celebrate my birthday when he was never even able to properly celebrate his own. Hinata was so lost in thought that she hadn’t noticed that it was getting dark and they were already at Naruto’s apartment. Naruto: Here we are, home sweet home! Hinata: Yes.. Naruto: By the way Hinata its already dark out will anyone be worried about you if you’re out this late? Hinata: Don’t worry Naruto-Kun everyone won’t be in the least bit worried about me. My sister might be but she’ll be too busy training with my Father to notice and Neji is out on a mission. Naruto: I see than shall we? Hinata: Yes. Naruto put his key in the door to unlock it began to push it open. Hinata could barely see inside because of how dark it was in there. Naruto still held Hinata’s hand as he gently pulled her in and then flipped the light switch on. As soon as room lit up Hinata stood there speechless at what she was seeing! Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi: SURPRISE!! Hinata couldn’t speak as she saw the image of team mate Sasuke Uchiha and her Sensei Kakashi Hatake sitting at Naruto’s table with a banner hanging over their heads that read “Happy Birthday Hinata Hyuga.” At first she thought that it wasn’t real, but that possibility immediately was proven wrong when she still felt the warmth of Naruto’s hand as he led her to the table and shut the door behind them. Hinata: I don’t understand. Why are all of you here? Sasuke looked at her with a confused and slightly annoyed look on his face. Sasuke: Isn’t it obvious? Kahashi then smiled at least that’s what it appeared to be since it was hard to tell because of his mask. Kakashi: We’re here to celebrate your birthday! Hinata: You’re all here to celebrate my..birthday? Sasuke: That’s right it was the dobe’s idea. Hinata then looked behind her to face Naruto who was still standing there smiling. Hinata: Naruto-Kun this was your idea? Naruto: Yeah, it was my idea, but Kakashi Sensei and that idiot Sasuke both agreed to it. When Sasuke heard that he slammed his hands on the table. Sasuke: Just who do you think you’re calling an idiot you idiot?! Naruto: You’re the genius so why don’t you tell me! The Uzumaki and Uchiha stared at each other as if their eyes were daggers. Hinata even swore that for a minute she thought she saw some electricity from their eyes clashing clashing. The Hygua girl then walked between them and had a hand facing both of them. Hinata: That’s enough you two please don’t fight! Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other for a moment and then looked at Hinata and both of them stood down. Naruto: I’m sorry about that Hinata, I guess old habits die hard. Hinata: It’s alright Naruto-Kun but you shouldn’t just apologize to me. Naruto looked into her eyes and knew that she was serious. He then looked towards his Uchiha team mate. Naruto: I’m sorry about that Sasuke. When Sasuke heard that he smiled a little and was looking a bit smug. But his expression changed when he noticed that Hinata’s gaze had now drifted towards him. Hinata: Sasuke-Kun isn’t there something that you should say too? Sasuke looked at Hinata for a minute and then took a deep breath and sat down. Sasuke: I’m sorry too Naruto! Naruto: Don’t worry about it buddy. Naruto walked over to the table until he was standing across from where Sasuke was sitting. Naruto than formed his right hand into a fist and extended it towards Sasuke. Sasuke then smiled and did the same as his best friend and they bumped their fists together. Hinata then walked over to her team mates and placed her hands on top of Naruto and Sasuke’s connected fists and smiled to which her team mates gladly returned the sentiment. As Kakashi watched the bond between his students he couldn’t help but to think about his old friends. Kakashi: Obito, Rin, Minato Sensei are you watching? They are just like how we used to be. After that heartfelt moment the party officially started. Which wasn’t anything of a grand level it was just a simpal little gathering of the Team with a few decorations set up for example there were some balloons, the banner, some drinks, a cake and there were even party hats that all of them wore. Though Sasuke didn’t seem to like wearing it he decided to endure the embarrassment for his friend’s happiness. They all sat around the table and reminisced about all the missions they’ve gone on together like when they journeyed to the Land of the Waves to guard the bridge builder from the rouge shinobi from the Hideen Mist village Zabuza Momochi and Haku. They even touched up on the bell test that they had with Kakashi Sensei. Which didn’t give Naruto and sasuke the best memories because at one point in the test Naruto got poked in the butt and got hung upside sown in a tree and Sasuke was almost entirely buried in the ground with only his head sticking out. But that didn’t even compare to when Hinata brought up the little incident in their Academy days when Naruto and Sasuke accidentally kissed. Just the mention of that sent shivers down the two boy’s spines while Kakashi laughed quite a bit at just his student’s reactions. While Hinata was disappointed that she wouldn’t be Naruto’s first kiss she had to admit that she found the whole scene kind of funny. Naruto: Alright you guy it’s time for the cake and presents! Kakashi: I’ll grab the cake out of the fridge. Sasuke: In that case I’ll bring the presents to the table. As Hinata saw her Sensei bringing her cake to the table she began to feel like she was going to start crying. But she held the desire within her. Kakashi: Here you go Birthday girl. What do you think of your cake? Hinata looked at the cake before her and it looked absolutely delicious. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate icing as well and right in the middle of the cake was the symbol of the Hyuga clan which was the image of a Flame within a Sun. Hinata: It’s beautiful Sensei, thank you everyone! They put a 1 and 3 candle in the cake and lit and began to sing the birthday song. Once they finished Hinata blew out her candles and as the smoke from the candles left they move the cake aside for after the presents and cards were opened. The first was Kakashi gift. Kakashi: I’m sorry it rather simple, but I thought you’d like it. Hinata opened the envelope her teacher handed her within it was a coupon for the bakery’s cinnamon rolls. Hinata hugged Kakashi tightly. Hinata: Thank you Sensei! Kakashi: You’re welcome Hinata. The next up was Sasuke and because he didn’t have the best history giving gifts to people he simply gave Hinata a card. She opened it and began to read the text that was written. “I know that we never talked that much until Team 7 was formed. But after working with you I’ve gotten to know the kind of person you are. You are a very kind girl, but at the same time a strong Ninja as well one that is more than worthy of respect. I’ve never had any sisters before so I don’t know what’s it’s like, but when I’m with you I wonder if this is what it like to have a little Sister.” Happy Birthday Hinata! From, Sasuke Uchiha. Hinata once again felt tears trying to leak out of her lavender eyes again and also once again she held them in. She then went over to Sasuke and hugged him as well which slightly embarrassed the proud Uchiha. Sasuke: Hey Hinata, what are you doing, stop it?! Hinata: Thank you for the card Sasuke-Kun and I feel the same way! After hearing those words he reluctantly indulged Hinata in the hug. Sasuke: Happy Birthday Hinata! Hinata: Thank you so much Sasuke-Kun! Once the Hyuga and Uchiha released each other from the embrace. That only left the party planning man himself Naruto Uzumaki to give the birthday girl his gift. Naruto looked at her with kind of a sad look on his face. Naruto: Hinata I’m sorry, but I don’t have a present or a card for you. Hinata looked at him for a minutes and then Kakashi and Sasuke jumped in. Kakashi: You see all three of us contributed to making this party happen. I paid for the banner and the sodas. Sasuke: I bought the balloons and the party hats. Hinata: Than Naruto-Kun that means that you paid for the.. cake? Naruto: Yeah, that’s right I insisted on buying the cake myself. It was a little challenging getting it, but I got it in the end. The only thing is I didn’t have any money left to get you a gift. Hinata: Oh, I see. Naruto: I’m really sorry Hinata. I know you must be disappointed. Hinata: No, Naruto-Kun its fine really! It was silent for a few minutes, but then Hinata spoke once again. Hinata: It’s getting kind of hot in here. I think I’m going to step out for a moment and get some fresh air. Hinata walked through Naruto apartment until she was out on Naruto outlook that had almost the best view in all of Konoha. There she stood under the stars as she looked over the entire village in silence for quite a while. While back inside with the men of Team 7 they were all still sitting around the table in silence waiting for the return of their Birthday Girl. Kakashi: Hinata has been gone a while now hasn’t she? Sasuke looked over at Naruto’s depressed face and punched him on top of the head much to Naruto confusion and later anger. Naruto: Sasuke what hell was that for?! Sasuke: What are you waiting for dobe get going. Naruto: Where?! Sasuke: Where do you think you loser? Get your ass out there and bring Hinata her coat! It was right then that Naruto understood what Sasuke was doing. Naruto: Thanks Sasuke I needed that! Sasuke: Anytime dobe. Naruto grabbed the coat that his team mate had left on her chair and made his way to Hinata’s current location leaving the kitchen behind him. Kakashi: That was well played Sasuke. Sasuke: Well someone needed to point him in the right direction you know how slow that guy can be. Kakashi: I’ll drink to that. Sasuke and Kakashi raised their glasses to Naruto’s stupidity. Naruto was standing on the opposite side to the door leading to his outlook. He took a deep breath and opened the door and stepped out and could right off the bat feel how cold it had gotten. He saw Hinata standing a bit in front of him, but didn’t seem to notice his presence. So he walked up behind her and placed her jacket on her shoulders. Naruto: Hinata you know you could catch a cold if stay out here for too long right? There was no answer to his question which made Naruto worry. Naruto: I’m sorry Hinata maybe I shouldn’t have just sprung a party on you just like that when I couldn’t even afford to buy you a gift. But Hinata then turned around firmly holding her jacket on her shoulders and crying all the tears that she could no longer conceal. Hinata: That’s not true Naruto-Kun I’m happy that you gave me this party! Naruto: Then why are you crying like that? Hinata: They’re tears of joy. Naruto: Tears of joy? Hinata: Yes, I had thought that you all had forgotten my birthday or wouldn’t want to celebrate it at all. Naruto: How could you think that we would forget your birthday or even not celebrate it? Hinata: I once told you that my mother passed away right? Naruto: Yeah, what about it? Hinata: She died on my Birthday 10 years ago trying to protect me and since then my clan forbids any kind of celebrating on this day out of respect for my mother. Naruto just stood there looking at Hinata completely surprised by the piece of information she had just given him. He had already known that Hinata’s mother died, but he didn’t know certain details until now. Naruto: I’m so sorry Hinata that’s awful! Hinata: Thank you Naruto-Kun. It always gets so hard around this time of the year. Naruto: I can only imagine how much pain you must be feeling right now. When Hinata heard Naruto say that she lifted her right arm and showed him her bracelet. Hinata: Naruto-Kun do you see this bracelet. What do you think of it? Naruto: Yeah, I see it I guess I didn’t notice it before. It’s beautiful Hinata. Hinata smiled and then held her bracelet arm with her left hand. Hinata: Hanabi gave it to me this morning before I left the complex even though she knows the rules. I was so happy when she gave it to me. Naruto: That’s great and it was a very thoughtful thing for your sister to do! Hinata: I thought so too and even though she didn’t say it I knew what her giving me this bracelet today meant. Naruto smiled and looked at Hinata with his sparkling Ocean Blue eyes. Naruto: Isn’t that a good thing? Hanabi in her own way celebrated your birthday today as well. Hinata: But that’s only because she’s young. Naruto: What do you mean by that? Hinata: All other members of the Hyuga Clan besides Hanabi knew my mother and she was loved by everyone. But Hanabi was still very small when she died so she never got a chance to spend that much time with our Mother. So there are times when I think that if she had spent more time with her than she would resent me for what happened to our Mother. Naruto: I know you don’t believe that do you?! Hinata: There are times when I can’t help, but feel that way and there are even times when I wish that she hadn’t and just let me go at least then she wouldn’t have died. Naruto couldn’t bear to listen to this anymore and he forceful grabbed Hinata’s right hand. Hinata: Naruto-Kun what is it, you’re hurting me?! Naruto: Hinata look at this bracelet do you really understand what it means?! Hinata: Naruto: If you don’t I’ll tell you it means that your little sister while fully knowing that she shouldn’t have gave you a present for your birthday even though it’s the anniversary of her Mother’s death. Hanabi gave that to you because she loves you and knows that it wasn’t your fault! Hinata began to cry even harder as she listened to Naruto’s words. Naruto: Also I never want to hear you say that you wish you were dead ever again! Hinata: Why not?! Naruto: Because how do you think that makes the people who Love you feel! How do you think it would make your sister feel and how do you think it would make the rest of Team 7 feel?! Hinata’s crying began to decrease in volume. Hinata: What do you how Team 7 would feel? Naruto: Do I really need to say it? Team 7 wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m not the only one, Kakashi Sensei and Sasuke feel the same. We all love you with all our hearts! Hinata looked up at her team mate with surprise. Hinata: Really? Naruto then released Hinata’s hand. He then raised his hand towards her cheeks and wiped away her tears. Naruto: I don’t want to see you cry like that anymore and don’t ever talk selfishly like that again, okay? Hinata nodded her head in happy agreement. Hinata: Thank you Naruto-Kun you really are kind. Naruto heart began to pick up a few more beats when Hinata said that and the way she was looking at him wasn’t helping. He still tried to retain his composer. Naruto: Don’t mention it I’m just glad you’re feeling better now! They were about to head back inside when they noticed something. Naruto: Hinata is that what I think it is? Hinata opened her hand and felt something cold touch her palm. Hinata: Yes, Naruto-Kun its snow. The boy and girl just stood there side by side as they watch the snow fall all around them. In that moment Hinata couldn’t help but be reminded of the fact that when she and Naruto first met it was snowing than as well. Naruto: Hey Hinata? Hinata: Yes, Naruto-Kun? Naruto: I’m still really sorry that I wasn’t able to get you a present for your birthday. Hinata: It’s alright besides you’ve already given me the best gift I could’ve ever asked for. Naruto: Really, what did I give you? Hinata face began to red and her famous habit of fidgeting with her fingers returned. But she still spoke clearly and honestly. Hinata: Well you’ve given me many things so many in fact that don’t know if I could even list them all. But a few I can mentioned is that you’ve given me my first birthday party in 10 years, you got me a delicious looking cake, but the most important one is that you gave me a place to call my own. A precious place that I can always return to no matter what kind of hard ships I’ll have to endure. So thank you Naruto Uzumaki-Kun! Naruto looked at Hinata for what must have been a few seconds. He felt a pain in his chest that he’d been feeling a lot recently whenever he was around Hinata. Whether it was on a mission or just when they would hang out in the village. At that moment Naruto had an idea pop into his head. Naruto: Hinata I have something I want to give you will you accept it? Hinata: If it from you Naruto-Kun than yes, anything. Naruto: I’ll right close your eyes. Hinata was a little confused at the request, but did as he asked. She was standing there waiting for whatever it was that Naruto was going to give her. When she suddenly felt his hands softly hold her face. Her heart began beat quicken and she felt her whole body shaking. Hinata: Is it really what I think it is? Hinata question was soon answered when she felt a soft pair of lips make contact with hers and kissed them with such passion that it made a few minutes feel like hours. After about 7 minutes the their lips broke apart and there they just looked at each other. Both Naruto and Hinata were taking very deep and heavy breaths. They then smiled at each other and Naruto extended his hand to her. Naruto: So shall we head back inside birthday girl? After all you still need to cut the cake. Hinata: You’re right Naruto-Kun let’s go! The Hygua girl smiled and took his hand as she and the Uzumaki boy walked back inside his apartment to join the their other 2 Team Mates. THE END
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:33:07 +0000

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