Happy Birthday Rolf!! How time flies! 28 years ago, On a - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday Rolf!! How time flies! 28 years ago, On a freezing cold night, temperatures were -21C outside, i gave birth to a very tiny little boy. He came out like Superman with his little hand and arm first. He was all wrinkled up and had a body temperature of 33 C.!! Way too low to keep himself warm and he was in the danger zone. We put him on my body and wrapped him up with every blanket we could find and by morning he had a fever! It took a few days for him to regulate his central heating but from day 1 he was a strong little fighter.. He cost me a few good heartaches and early grey hairs but he was my first and so everything i did, was sort of an experiment. Nobody is handed a guide book when they become a parent. I was new to the game and tried all along the way! We had our ups and downs but he sure brought a lot of laughter into my life too. His sense of humour is priceless and on many occassions he would crack me up and still does! (ive got 2 little books with his funny observations right here!) Today he has grown into this beautiful young man who runs his own little business and is doing well for himself. I am a very proud mum as i look at him today and see how far he has come and who he turned out to be. I found that i have been given a wonderful gift, as i have had the opportunity to learn about unconditional love. I have learned to let go and trust you to find your way. Thank you for that opportunity and for sharing your beautiful spirit with me .
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:56:28 +0000

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