Happy Birthday to my absolute favorite Hokie EVER - my beautiful - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday to my absolute favorite Hokie EVER - my beautiful daughter Caroline Alyse Amodeo... It is hard to believe that 2 decades can pass so quickly. Daddy tells me to put on my seatbelt because the next 20 years will fly by even faster. I can remember the moment you were born like it was yesterday - my sweet friend Susan was with me while I was in labor and she was awesome. You were born to the sound of music - Susan had brought a CD player and you arrived to a hear the last sounds of staircase to heaven. I always loved rock and the melodies of the 1970s were especially soothing to me. You were GORGEOUS. Truly a golden child - so beautiful in your skin color and your sweet little head of hair was as blonde as could be! You even had honey colored eyes once they changed from the pale blue you were born with. My golden child. It is only fitting, I suppose - that some of the first words you heard were this: Theres a lady whos sure all that glitters is gold And shes buying a stairway to heaven. and There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold. You were the merriest of all children - so full of joy and laughter - mischief even at times. As a wee tiny one, you were small, and petite and so very sweet - but you had a bite even then - you did bite Josh when he bothered you and you had no problems letting us know what you DID and DID NOT like - whether it was what you wanted to see / read / eat / or play with. And Oh! You were so very full of life and joy. You could come up with the most amazing adventures for Joshie and you to seek out - and Joshie was always ready to protect his baby sissie from all harm, including alley-gaters and cwoc-o-diles that he was always ready to shoot with his pop gun as the 2 of you stealthily crept down our hallway. You have amazed me beyond words with your creativity. Your hard work. Your perseverance. Your love. Your Passion. Your imagination and your art. Your Cake Business ( Sweet Carolines ) ... your determination. Your Joy. Im so proud of you, my dear sweet golden girl. I love you more than I could ever say - to the depths of the ocean and past the moon and back again. I am so proud of you - of all you are and all that you are destined to become. Love, your mom
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:54:12 +0000

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