Happy Christmas Eve everyone. I would like to take a moment to - TopicsExpress


Happy Christmas Eve everyone. I would like to take a moment to reflect on a few things I believe should stay close to each one of us during this holiday season and beyond. Think of what your life is right now. What it represents. Not what you’re doing at this very moment, not what your life is to just you, but think of your life and what it represents to the people around you. At the end of your journey, “Here Lies… Who”? Just think about it for a moment…. What does your life represent? Tough question to answer isn’t it. After some thought however some of you might say some things like, well, I’m a parent. My life represents motherhood, fatherhood. People see me as a great parent. Here lies… a great parent. Some might say I’m a CEO. I run a big company. My life represents business and success. Here lies… a BIG CEO. Others may say I’m a musician, a teacher, or a construction worker. I’m a doctor, a nurse, I save lives. Others, I’m a politician, a factory worker, a dance club instructor and little ole me, I’m a cab driver. Here lies… a Cab Driver. But… that’s not what I’m asking. Think of what your life is right now and what it represents. A couple years ago someone very young (and very wise for his years) said something to me in conversation that has always stuck with me. He said; you know, “Kings have lived and I don’t even know their name”. It literally stopped me for a moment. Think about that. Kings, Rulers of lands and people - and I have no idea who they even are. What a powerful statement about life that is. In our lives we get busy with work, children, deadlines, we rush here, hurry to get this done there and it’s “always something” as they say. It’s money or relationships, stress over this, worry over that and there’s never enough time to just live life and enjoy it all. Right now, literally right now at this moment, you are traveling at 67,000 miles per hour. You are. We all are. We are all flying through space at a crazy “can’t even wrap my head around” 67,000 miles per hour, on a rock that just so happens to have… a BURNING BALL OF FIRE in the sky above it. Did you catch any of that? I said 67,000 MPH, a rock and a burning ball of fire in the sky. What?? Yet, we barely even look at it. We hardly notice. The one thing that provides our EVERYTHING, our ENTIRE EXISTENCE as we know it and we don’t even think about it. We’re too worried if little Johnny is going to get that new toy he’s been begging for. We take it for granted. We take it for granted all over a “toy” that in all likelihood little Johnny will only play with for 6 months and won’t change, effect or enhance his life (much less give him anything to help any other life), in any way what-so-ever. It was never important. Yet, we’re thinking about our job promotion (that will only take us further away from family and loved ones). We’re worried about how we’re going to pay our rent next month, or all those credit card bills. We’re worried about being late, being on time, the fight we had with our girlfriend or our neighbor. We’re more worried about the new coat we’re going to get, or the new fat diamond ring that no other woman will have. We’re just hoping our husband doesn’t find out we’re cheating, or that our boss doesn’t find out we’ve been stealing from the company. Worse, some of you are thinking about how you can take advantage of others. How you can leverage yourself above the rest, how you can obtain a higher status, make more money, be… happier, as you see it. “I’m” a doctor. “I’m” a big time CEO. “I’ve” accomplished this. “I’ve built” that. I own all this, my home has “those” kinds of features and look everyone, “I am something”. Sometimes, we start to think we actually are something. What does your life represent? Think of… the last time you waived at a neighbor walking as you drove past them. Think of the last time someone waived at you. Think of the last time you offered a ride to anyone, said hi to a stranger, or the last time you stayed after work for no pay because the job needed to be done. Think about you the business owner and the last time you commended your staff. Think about the last time you gave your staff a bonus for helping grow your company, as you pick out that new car or 2nd home for your wife. Think of the last student you met with on a Saturday because they really needed some help and some guidance. Think about the last time you thanked a parent for all they did for you. Called an old flame just to say you are sorry. Think about the person you yelled at because you were having a bad day, and think about the struggling mom you passed in the supermarket with her children as you thought, “those poor kids”. When was the last time you cared? What does your life represent? What should it. Merry Christmas Everyone. Greg Chambers
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:10:46 +0000

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