Happy New Year Facebook family. I hope 2015 blesses you with love - TopicsExpress


Happy New Year Facebook family. I hope 2015 blesses you with love and laughter. Im not making resolutions this year, but I do have several goals that I want to focus on this year: 1. Read my Bible more. There are so many books that I have not touched and would love to be able to say that I have read it cover to cover by the end of this year. 2. Focus on my health...no excuses. I will still be a member of Weight Watchers and will continue with my quest to lose weight. I celebrate each weigh in, whether its a loss or a gain, because its a learning experience and helps keep me in a positive mind frame. If anyone cares to join me, I go to the Saturday Orland Park 8:30 am meeting. I will continue to post my successes and failures because it keeps me on track, and the feedback I have received from you is a blessing to me 😃 3. I will take time for my family and myself instead of choosing to do work (I am kind of a workaholic when it comes to my job). Those family times are precious to me and I enjoy every minute of the time I am with my family, so why not make more time for them? 😛 4. I will delegate more responsibility to the people in this house. I am learning that I cant do it all and if I want my house to stay presentable, I need to give up some control. 5. I will laugh and pray more. I have found that these 2 things will get me through anything. Im looking forward to 2015....finishing my Director of Special Ed endorsement, Lindsey Rowoldt getting her Drivers License, Celebrating 5 years of marriage to Curt in July, spending a week at the cottage in Michigan with my family, running a 5K in Sioux Falls in June with Kathleen Ridder, marriage of my nephew Brad Hays to Amanda Devine....its going to be a great year!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 15:35:00 +0000

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