Happy New Years Eve All! When I see myself walk into the coffee - TopicsExpress


Happy New Years Eve All! When I see myself walk into the coffee shop in 2015 I see a woman who is glowing from the inside. I am outwardly beautiful, but even more radiant within. I am at a state of peace, joy, and service most of the time.Though it was not easy to keep this acceptance perspective every day, I did not waiver in my dedication to rising above fear, lack, doubt, and worry. Rather than feel egoic and as if I could solve my own or other’s future problems, I lived in the moment. I chose to gravitate towards those things that had high frequencies of peace, joy, and presence. This included the things I read, watched, consumed, and purchased. I found that I enjoyed and deserved to live at this high vibrational level and recognized my ability to stay humble at the same time. I changed my metrics of success from outward fame, money, or “stuff” towards service. I tracked diligently the times that I helped people and worked from that point of view in all that I did, especially in my vocation. Though I had challenges along the way, I always returned to this ultimate intention and found my center again. I connected with my spirit daily, as much as possible. I lived a highly grateful life because I recognized that which I will always have control over, my intention and helping others who I have the ability to help. I didn’t stay focused on metrics in my personal life, but I did stay connected to how I felt and thought each day and that helped me keep tabs on how well I was connecting to service in that area of my life. I reconnected with friends, new and old, in new levels this year. I loved getting to know people from all walks of life, those that are influential and those that may not appear to be. I didn’t let ego get in the way of meeting, connecting, and reflecting their own perception and connection to myself and the universe. I also stayed in a student mindset. I chose to read daily and learn as much and as often as possible. I didn’t beat myself up when it didn’t happen, but I did try to read for enjoyment, even just a little, each day. I rose above the shiny pennies of the world to be in, but not of the physical world. This didnt mean that I didn’t have amazing outfits, possessions and a beautiful home but it does mean I did not covet it and mistake the beauty of things as a source of true joy. I learned what it is to connect and love my family and friends. More than anything this year I valued how I felt and contributed. I sought that “Airplane feeling” as much as possible. I stayed present, reflected, and prayed to help myself experience that bliss. I also continued to exercise and do more for my body. I recognized the role that movement played in my wellbeing and connection to the Universe. I paid more attention to the foods I consumed and recognized what had value and what did not. In some ways, I honored my gut and ate until satisfied. When it came to drinking, I was in, but not of it. I recognized it’s ability to serve and eventually detract from my life and I became better about listening to my intuition in this area. The result was that I did drink when I felt like it, but not to the point where it dulled my enjoyment in the moment or the next day. I also traveled to new parts of the world. I reached out and truly connected with the people I met and had a great relationship to keep. I truly connected to my dedication to service and made time to genuinely connect and share high quality content. When needed, I sacrificed quantity for quality of posts. I didn’t hold myself to a truly daily posting schedule if it did not serve that high quality intention that I had. I also allowed myself to tell my story and did not fear feedback but took it for what it was. In general, I dedicated my life to helping people first and foremost. In so doing, I ended up helping myself stay connected to that higher, Universal perspective. The results of which, I left to God with open hands. I believed that good things would follow… and I continue to see the blessings pouring out. Thank you for being part of my year and entering 2015 with me!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:01:02 +0000

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