**Happy Sunday!!!** 1. my 15 month old daughter can count to 6 - TopicsExpress


**Happy Sunday!!!** 1. my 15 month old daughter can count to 6 very clear by herself, i am so proud of her she is so clever. My son couldn’t count until he was 3. How old were your tots when they started to count and is 15 months early? 2. Hi. Im sure this gets asked slot. But today I was totally unprepared when my 4 son asked me how do you get a baby out of youre tummy. I told him the doctor helps. But he said but how. I had nothing. Lol. Luckily he quickly got distracted. So thought I better start researching. And tips or resources for this would be great. 3. Hi mums and dads Im after some creative ideas my son 20 months and I can make for babys grandparents for Xmas we are having family photos done I just thought something homemade might be a bit special Tia 4. Hi, Im just after some tips on how to stop my 2 year old from yelling. The more I tell him to stop, the louder he gets....and right when I have just put his baby sister to bed. I have tried getting him to whisper, use inside voice, ignoring, but he just thinks its funny to yell louder and louder. Its so frustrating as he understands me fully but just seems to be doing it for attention, even though he gets my full attention once baby is sleeping. Help! 5. Hi I have a question about feeding toddlers. My dd is 16 months and seems to just want to eat all the time. She is constantly going to the fridge to show me what she wants. I dont know if its habit from letting her show me what sje wants as her way of communicating or if shes actually hungry. When you feed your kids do they just eat what you give them or do you keep giving them more until they dont want more? Most nights I eat dinner with her but if I dont and eat it after her she comes and eats a quarter of my plate. She just seems hungry all day.. She is off the chart for weight and height percentiles, have any parents experienced similar? Thanks. 6. Just wanted to ask the question about what age and how others went about weaning their toddlers off a bottle? Thank you 7. Has anyone else flown with a 12 month old? Did you have them restrained on your lap or taken their car seat for them to sit in during the flight? Its only a 1.5hr flight and there will be a car seat on the other end in the car we are using so unsure if its more trouble to try and take the car seat for such a short flight. But what I am most concerned with though in what position hes going to be the most content? He can get restless easy. I am trying to book the flights for the evening so he will sleep but if not, what do others think will be easier, on my lap or in a car seat
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 06:18:08 +0000

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