Happy Sunday! I hope you all are rested with the extra hour of - TopicsExpress


Happy Sunday! I hope you all are rested with the extra hour of sleep. I hate the shorter days but know I need the extra hour of sleep. Buddy says I only know two speeds... Wide open and dead still. Hes right. No wonder I find myself exhausted. I was reading this morning in Isaiah 40:31. It says: but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. So many of us are facing huge obstacles. Some are struggling with health scares... Family issues...work obstacles ..financial issues. Some are dealing with more than one of these and the truth is the journey is long. I am no exception to this. I receive your prayer requests and wonder what on earth to say to bring you comfort when I have no idea how to quell my own fears and exhaustion. All I can say is God knows where we are. He knows what we are facing and Hes all over it. Although we have had the wind knocked out of us time and again, nothing has taken Him by surprise. Not our situations and certainly not our response to them. Its okay to be tired. Its okay to be afraid and wonder how you will ever finish the race. The key is to take it one step at a time. As a runner , I never look at the whole course before a race. It freaks me out. I feel overwhelmed and have beaten myself before the pistol fires. Life is the same way. We dont get to see the whole course If we knew the hills and challenges ahead of us, we would likely sit down on the road and never take another step. So what do we do when life is just too much to handle ? Like runners, we keep moving forward. We adjust our pace and wait for our heart to stop racing and our second wind. We dont look back over the path behind us with regret. Most importantly, we dont throw in the towel. We put one foot in front of the other. Hold tightly to God and trust Him to carry us on those hills that seem too steep. We set our eyes on the prize and know that our Father will not leave us stranded mid race. We help each other along through prayer. We encourage one another. And when one feels like they wont finish the race, we slow down and walk with them until they can run again. Life isnt a speed trial. Its a marathon. Its long, hard, arduous and difficult. But the scenery is beautiful if you pick your head up and look around. And at the end, the victory is sweet Theres no better running partner than God. No one else has the power to fly you over those steep hills and no one can give you the rest you need but Him. And the view from up there has to be breathtaking. Monday is a big day for some of you. Test results, job interviews, answers to long awaited questions are all just around the corner. Walk today. Slow your pace for tomorrow you will need your strength for the hill. If you get midway and run out of steam, let our Father place you on his back and soar above it. Weve got this because He has us.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 10:04:11 +0000

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