Happy Thankful Thursday, citizens! Yesterday was a wacky kinda - TopicsExpress


Happy Thankful Thursday, citizens! Yesterday was a wacky kinda day...I started out on a mission, (and in a rather comical, meme war kinda way,) begging for all of you to help my friend boost her page reach. For those of you who have been around here a while, you know I am never about the numbers. If I recommend a page, they are not about the numbers, either. I dont do share for share with other pages, and maybe in the grand scheme of things, that has kept our Metropolis relatively small. I am, and always have been, grateful for every single one of you, and for all the support you provide on this journey. I dont need a grand audience, I dont consider you my fans, and I dont get an ego boost when the numbers go up. You are all my peers. My confidants. My friends. When the numbers go up, I get energized to share every detail of this unpredictable, (sometimes tumultuous), joyous three-ring circus that is my life. When the numbers go up, I am reminded how very much I am not alone on this journey, and how many other people need to feel less alone. Thanks to all of you, I feel less alone. It has made all the difference in finding the strength to get through some of the hardest days. There are lots of autism pages out there. There are a few that were my inspiration. Theyve been around for a long time. I am so grateful to the big, been around the block a while pages for giving me a place to be and a community to feel a part of, when I felt the most alone. Just knowing there were other folks out there that UNDERSTOOD, just the insanity of it all, it really gave me hope when I felt like there was no hope. There were also lots of other pages I followed (and still do), that have nothing to do with autism. Mommy pages, coffee pages, wine pages, funny pages, (and yes...I actually did a FB search to find pages with funny in the name, because I so desperately needed to laugh!), and inspirational pages. Once I started to relate to some of the stories told on these pages, I started to realize I could find so much of what I needed in my life, right here at my kitchen table. And I started searching. I took action. Even though that action never took me away from the lonely seat in my kitchen, it took me so VERY far from the lonely seat in my kitchen. When I started this page, back in March of 2013, I took my life back. I went from being a miserably lonely, sad, peri-menopausal mom in a desperately failing marriage, crying every night as I sat alone in my kitchen, to being the focused, happy, calm, grateful, sarcastic, snarky, (and still peri-menopausal) smartass (still in a desperately failing marriage) who finds a way to dance through every struggle! Frankly, I dont think of this as an autism page. This is a my crazy life page. Many of you know that I have posted plenty about the challenges of marriage. Even in the best of marriages, every day is a challenge. I have posted about dysfunctional families. I have posted about having to get a part time job, about struggling to pay the bills, about loving and hating the holidays, about cleaning up animal crap, human crap, and basically dealing with any kind of crap in between. I have tried to share my simplistic view on love and acceptance. For everyone. Basically, this is a page about trying to find a way to manage doing it all, even when I dont have the time or the strength. Even when my cape is in the dryer. And so, citizens, on this Thankful Thursday, I am so very thankful for all of you. Each and every one of you, who have given me a place to belong, and made me feel like I matter. I have found friends here, that I could never have hoped to encounter without having endured the sitting alone in the kitchen. So whenever you feel like you are lost and alone, and cant find your way out of the sadness, just remember the struggles bring us to where we find our greatest strengths. The struggles are what brought me to all of you. I am truly thankful. Have an awesome Thursday!!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:56:07 +0000

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