Happy Tree Day! Gday, After all morning doing research, then - TopicsExpress


Happy Tree Day! Gday, After all morning doing research, then an afternoon digging in the garden, I met up with a m8, mimi aka. Michael Ziga, for a few quiot beers. We met to discuss, amongst other things, my project for this and other subjects this semester. It was great to hear someone elses thoughts, to share ideas and brain storm. At the end of it all we agreed we had the solution to this and all the worlds problems and I just thought Id share them here, as it was because of this subject and project, the ideas stemed from. First a few numbers; There are approx 7 billion people on the planet and global population is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050. For argument sake lets say on average 8 billion from now until then. There are 400 billion to 7.5 trilion trees in the amazon rainforest. Who really knows but for sake of the argument lets just guess 1 trillion for now. If every person in the world celebrating a birthday party asked for trees to plant on their birthday, which if grown from seed in advance say a few months before, would be a very inexpensive gift that virtually anyone could afford. A cutting is possible too. The container recycled and a few hand fulls of soil a regular water and in a a month or two you have your gift. Its important that the tree be a food bearing tree so it wont get cut down and start to bear fruit usually after a few years. ok back to numbers; Say on average you get 1 to 50 trees on your birthday, agian for the sake of the argument lets just say 10 fruit or nut ect trees per person planted on their birthday. Thats 80 Billion trees per year for 36 years, that is until 2050. 36 years x 80 Billion trees = 2.88 Trillion food bearing trees. We have just started on JD and coke so bear with me if my maths is a bit off _... I have read some where that we would need to plant 150 billion trees a year to offset CO2 so instead of 1 tree give x 2. This solution not only solves the CO2 problem but also feeds the world and future generations. So instead of Happy Birthday have a Happy Tree Day!!! Another m8 Marin Skunca who came late to the conversation said While you guys are planting trees, Ill get the BBQ going LOL _...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:11:03 +0000

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