Hashem in His loving grace and amazing compassion has enabled me - TopicsExpress


Hashem in His loving grace and amazing compassion has enabled me to understand the current conflict between Israel and Hamastan-Gaza by way of physics, and particularly thermodynamics. We know that the physical manifestations of creation reflect the underlying spiritual laws that the Creator in His omniscience instilled in creation. Whereas science concerns itself with the mechanics of events within nature, emuna concerns itself with the mechanics of events above nature. Without confusing you with the laws of energy and thermodynamics, lets simplify: there are two opposing powers in molecular theory - the power that seeks order and the power that seeks disorder. These two powers always fight each other. The more that the power of order prevails, the more the world obtains Gibbs Free Energy, which is more commonly known as free enthalpy, or useful energy. The more that the power of disorder prevails, the greater the entropy or chaotic, unproductive energy in the world. We can now understand how the same nuclear energy can illuminate the world when its in the responsible hands of a nuclear power plant, or destroy the world when it becomes the entropic energy of a nuclear bomb detonation. The Torah juxtaposes Israel and Ishmael. Without bogging us down with dozens of quotes, Israel is the worlds free enthalpy, or useful energy. Israel has given society everything from morals to medicine, from agriculture to zero illiteracy. Israel has sponsored and spearheaded agricultural, construction, educational and medical projects around the world. Here at home, weve made the desert bloom. Our children learn to read at age three. We are a nation that exports compassion, for caring about others is a trait that Jews have an endless reservoir of. Our Torah is a tree of life whose ways are all peaceful and pleasant. Israel uses its resources to educate and heal people; our concrete and metal go to building schools, hospitals and factories. Our faith is emuna, spreading the light of Hashems love for every human. On the other hand, Ishmael is the power of disorder and chaos, destructive energy. As the Torah says, his hands are on everybody - he cant live without a fight. His contribution to society is negative, for he destroys rather than builds. Other than jihad, his constant holy wars, he has no claim to fame. His money results from his natural resources - oil - which Hashem gave him as a reward for being circumcised. He has no technology or knowledge base of his own. His children learn cruelty from a young age, growing up with the burning desire to kill his rival, Israel; so much so, that hell sacrifice his own family without blinking an eyelash to spill the blood of Israel, Heaven forbid. Ishmael uses its resources to kill his rivals; not only Jews, but his own people as he does in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Gaza and everywhere else he lives. His concrete and metal resources go to building terrorist tunnels; his kids dont need to read and write as long as they can wield a knife and operate an AK-47. His faith is Jihad, holy war, killing anyone who doesnt agree with his darkside murderous treachery that he calls a religion. The above explains the war in Gaza. No, its not Israels war with the Gazans. This is a struggle between the useful energy of the world and the destructive energy of the world. Israel must overcome in order for this planet to be a decent place to dwell in. The French, Germans, British and Belgians can now understand why their homelands are becoming less and less tolerable as they are being taken over by the Ishmaelites. For the ultimate good of mankind and this planet, may Hashem help us prevail, amen. R Eliezer Brodie
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 08:02:21 +0000

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