Hate the idea of waving bye, raising your arms, or even going - TopicsExpress


Hate the idea of waving bye, raising your arms, or even going sleeveless because of what’s happening in your underarm areas? Don’t let your poor pit plights bust your self-confidence and prevent you from doing more activities. Beating them is no sweat with our handy tips. UNDERARM PROBLEM 1: Underarm sweating What’s happening: Urgh, you just met a new guy and chances are all he’ll remember are the sweat stains on the underarm area on your blouse. We all sweat a little more when we are nervous or out and about. And for the one percent of us in the population, it could be a rare condition called axilliary hyperhidrosis, which causes you to experience dampness all the time. Beat it! Here’s where antiperspirant come in, where it contains ingredients designed to stop–yup– perspiration. Use it daily to control underarm sweating as well as odor that may result from damp armpits. Also, stock up on cotton, silk and linen clothes, which absorb moisture better to prevent body odor. UNDERARM PROBLEM 2: Redness and rashes What’s happening: Humidity, excessive temperature, using the wrong deodorant and ingrown hair due to shaving – these are some of the major culprits when it comes to rashes or redness appearing under your arms. The skin here is sensitive, making it more susceptible to certain changes in the environment or if exposed to ingredients that are not suitable. Beat it! In this case, use the right deodorant or antiperspirant that is suitable for the sensitive area and doesn’t cause any violent outbreaks of rashes. What to look out for? One that is fragrance free to reduce risk of inflammation as well as is hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested. Look for skin conditioners in your deodorant to soothe and moisturize the skin for further protection. Also read: 4 Ways to Brighten Up Skin Instantly UNDERARM PROBLEM 3: Uneven skin tone What’s happening: Hate how yours look dark, uneven and unattractive? Dead skin cells for starters, which get caught in the tiny crevices under your skin when pushed by new cells, resulting in the unevenness in skin tone. You can also blame it on your hormones, which can cause the discoloration as you age, and hyperpigmentation, a rare but possible condition that causes the overproduction of melanin. Beat it! Dealing with dead skin cells is easy–exfoliate regularly but do this gently so you don’t irritate the area. If you suspect hyperpigmentation or hormones are the reasons, speak to a dermatologist who will offer you a safe and effective remedy. Also, it’s good to know that harsh hair-removal techniques can leave the area damaged resulting in skin discoloration. So go easy on the waxing and plucking. Also read: Prevent Dry Skin Now UNDERARM PROBLEM 4: Ingrown hair causing chicken skin-like appearance What’s happening: You spot a stray hair under your arms so you grab the shaver to nip it at its bud ASAP—great for efficiency but bad for ingrown hair. If your armpits are covered with red bumps, your shaving is to be blamed, as the hair-removal method often results in ingrown hair. Not a pretty sight, we say, one that resembles chicken skin! Left alone, ingrown hair can become infected, causing pimples to appear, resulting in scarring. Beat it! To deal with chicken skin, drop the shaver and opt for a safer hair-removal technique instead like waxing. Go to the pros – they are trained to prevent ingrown hair. But if you must shave, avoid doing it over and over in the same spot and always shave in the direction of the hair growth. If you can, let your hair grow a little longer to minimize ingrown hair
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 08:45:05 +0000

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