Have you ever asked the question, “How Do I Join - TopicsExpress


Have you ever asked the question, “How Do I Join the Illuminati?” Do you really know what you’re asking? Consider, for a moment, the myths and legends that encircle this secretive and elusive organization, if it even exists. Movies and books, like Dan’s Brown’s latest – The Lost Symbol, all hint at a level of mystery and secrecy that only individuals and groups that are up to activities that the public would not approve of, would require. However, since there are so many people out there who are not just wildly curious about the existence of this strange group, they also want to know – how do I join the Illuminati? Follow along with me on my quest to wade through the confusion, the conspiracy theories and the mass hysteria as I attempt to uncover the answer to that question. How Do I Join the Illuminati? First You Have to Find It The first thing you’ll notice when you do a simple Google search for “Illuminati” are the multitudes of crazy websites that come up. I work as an SEO expert for a number of clients, and I can tell you that the word “Illuminati” is searched for over 2,000 times a day. It’s also highly competitive – meaning that there are also many thousands of sites that are discussing this group, and they are constantly publishing some of the most ridiculous and wild conspiracy theories about the group. However, most of the sites are ridiculous – they list countless claims and accuse the shadowy Illuminati with limitless crimes against humanity, from causing war to the banking crisis. None of these sites cite sources or evidence – only innuendos and speculation about the symbolism and images that appear throughout our modern cultures (just as images and symbolism has existed in cultures throughout all of humanity’s history). When you search for what organizations and groups are using the word “Illuminati” online, 99.9999 percent of the sites there on the Illuminati are written by conspiracy theorists. There’s is a real way to contact anyone who may be part of any such organization, assuming you want to join for real. Discovering the Illuminati Order During my explorations for some proof or even a hint of evidence that the group is real.if you want to join contact us via harrysmith281@g mail
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 09:22:51 +0000

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