Have you ever been a victim of bullying? It comes in many - TopicsExpress


Have you ever been a victim of bullying? It comes in many shapes and sizes. It’s not only in high school that you find bullying. Anyone can become a bully if you let yourself stoop to such a level in an attempt to gain power, control, recognition, love,...whatever they are lacking and deeply desiring. I have recently been made aware that I was a victim of bullying, my business was a victim of bullying, without even having known it. As many of you know, my Facebook Photography page that I have had for 8 years was shut down out of the blue, without warning, a couple of weeks ago and I was forced to convert to this business page I have now. I have been made aware that all of this happened because of one bully and the small group of “friends” or “fans” she convinced to follow her lead. This bully is supposed to be a professional photographer as well. I think the term “professional” becomes debatable in such a circumstance. I will never post her name. I will not publicly bash her. Instead, I will publicly acknowledge the good that is in her. That’s what Christ calls us to do. Love those that need it the most. Those that we feel the most hatred towards. Those that have hurt us. Etc. It’s not easy. But I promise you it’s where the healing comes. It’s where the ability to rise out of the situation comes from. And so I am giving a charge to anyone and everyone who sees this. I will lead by example in the first comment. Whether you’ve been a victim of bullying or you’ve been the bully. Whether you hate everyone in your life or you feel you have no enemies. Will you take a moment and in the comments here, tag someone and give them a compliment? Love on that person for a brief moment? If you’d like to tag more than one person, please do it in separate comments because the more comments and likes this gets, the more it will show up in newsfeeds. In return, your tag is charging that person to do the same. Tag and compliment someone else. There’s no room for negative remarks here. Only positive. You may want to speak directly to the person you consider your bully, whether you were bullied 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago. If so, no names mentioned as I will show in my first comment. But what FREEDOM comes in being able to compliment the one who has most hurt you. I encourage you, ask you, beg you to take part in this. And finally, I’d like to share how even though my FB was shut down without good reason and I’ve had to essentially start over, what good has come from all this…. 1. Within one week of this happening, I had 3,000 likes. Thats amazing! 2. Im flooded with pricing inquiries and bookings! 3. The business page, with as many quirks and aggravations that it entails, has a lot of perks as well. 4. Because of this whole ordeal, I was pushed to go ahead and make time for some things that I had put off b/c of lack of time....like creating an actual logo for my name. 5. Now that Im having to reload albums of my work, maybe I can actually get on top of getting my real website up and running that a friend is doing for me....hes just waiting for me to send him my best images. So, in the end, THANK YOU to the bullies that reported my page until it was shut down. You have helped BETTER my business! :D Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. Genesis 50:20
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 19:59:24 +0000

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