Have you ever had apple cider? Youre probably thinking of course - TopicsExpress


Have you ever had apple cider? Youre probably thinking of course I have, what kind of question is that!? But the reality is that unless you have been to a farm, one that sells real cider, than youve probably never really had apple cider. See in order for apple cider to really be apple cider, it has to be raw, unpasteurized and unprocessed. And since the FDA wants to ruin all the fun and make sure you never know the taste and nutritional deliciousness of real apple cider, they have made it illegal for farms to sell real apple cider wholesale. That means they can only sell it directly on their farm or in farmers markets. Meanwhile the stuff youre getting in the store, we in the real cider game call sissy cider cuz it either been pasteurized(aka boiled), or UV treated which basically destroys nutrients, beneficial bacteria, and makes what was once a beautifully living and incredibly beneficial drink into an inert, dead beverage. The real apple cider thats alive and beneficial for our health will keep for 7-10 days after it is bottled or pressed, and then it starts to ferment. But the fun doesnt stop there! Once it starts to ferment, or turn, it tastes even better, just like those sparkling apple ciders we all loved as kids, only this time its super natural and healthy. But wait, theres more! Maybe throw in some yeast and voila, you have naturally hard apple cider! You can even make youre own apple cider vinegar from this stuff, and its quite easy. This country was founded on real apple cider - not the sissy stuff you buy in stores. Only 9 years after first landing at Plymouth in 1620, European colonists planted apple trees in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. In Colonial America, cider was the most common beverage, and even children drank it in a diluted form. In many places, the water was not safe to drink and most homesteads had an apple orchard. Pressing and fermenting fresh apple juice was the easiest way to preserve the large fruit harvest. In rural communities, taxes, wages and tithes were often paid in cider. It was also the basis for other products, such as vinegar, which was used to preserve fresh foods and for other purposes around the farm. The reason the FDA stopped farms from wholesaling their real cider is to keep you away from real, natural, live foods. They are also pandering to the big boys, the large cider producing companies that cant keep up with quality control when theyre dealing with hundreds of thousands of gallons of cider - plus they cant possibly ship that live beverage all over the states and wholesale it if the stuff might ferment and pop the bottles its in! Apples are one of the oldest agriculture products in the world and for thousands of years weve been eating apples and drinking raw cider. Our stomachs are accustomed to, and indeed appreciate all that beneficial bacteria thats in the cider, especially when its fermented. Our stomachs and digestive system rely on bacteria to help us break down, digest, and absorb the nutritional goodness in our foods. Thats why eating live foods with natural bacteria is so important - and it has been throughout human history - miso, beer, yogurt, kombucha, chicha, keifer, apple cider and tons of other examples in all cultures across the globe speak to the importance in human history of eating fermented foods which aids the digestive process. Thats why when taking antibiotics which kill the natural flora in our guts we need to take probiotics to get our stomach and intestinal flora back to its strong digesting ability. So why cant we get apple cider in the store? It all comes down to government and corporate collusion. Who can more easily lobby and enact change in the government? A bunch of small apple farmers that have little money and the now small block of consumers they serve, or large agriculture and food giants that make billions of dollars and can afford to spend millions to hire lobbyists and make sure laws get passed that benefit them? While the answer seems pretty obvious, and it is, also think about the folks in charge of the FDA...its a revolving door between big food and big ag and government regulation. Youre telling me that the VP of Monsanto and other big ag companies like Purdue and Cargil actually are policing and monitoring their own industry? Yupp, precisely. Many will falsely claim that all the FDA wants to do is protect our health. So while you and I may want real cider, by providing sissy cider to the masses they are really doing a service because they might help anyone who could potentially get sick. Well if this was truly the case and they wanted to protect the health and safety of the American people, dont you think they would more closely examine genetically modified foods, something illegal in many countries including most of Europe, and at the very least labelled in 64 other countries including China, India, and Russia(even Mali, Saudi Arabia and Senegal label GMOs!)? Theres a whole host of harmful chemicals that are allowed in our foods that never find there way into the mouths of our European friends. Meanwhile we have tons of highly processed, incredibly unhealthy foods that flood our supermarkets and schools. While they should be centrally concerned with protecting our health and safety, the FDA is acting more like a government sponsored corporate bully than anything else. The truth is that many countries actually protect the health and safety of their citizens while we in the US tend to protect the economic health and financial well being of our corporate giants. The thing is, they want you and me not to know their little games behind the scenes of our food and grocery stores. But when we find out they want us to feel helpless and depressed. We need to expose the corruption, we need to fight against it but also work around it - just remember you are voting and making choices everyday by the way you spend your dollars, choosing which companies and kinds of products to support. So go directly to the farms, to the farmers markets, support those making real food thats alive and delicious. While singly we may just be a single drop of water, together we are an ocean of change.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:34:06 +0000

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